OLYMPIA – The state of Washington got one step closer to the goal of having 70% of students earning a postsecondary credential today with the passage of HB 2025. Sponsored by Rep. Julia Reed (D-36) the bill increases opportunities for students receiving federal work study grants to work as near-peer college access advisors.
“Applying to and enrolling in college can be overwhelming.” said. Reed. “Who better to help students navigate the process than someone who’s recently completed the process.”
The bill allows for the Office of Student Financial Assistance to grant reimbursement rates greater than 80% for off-campus community service placements and make hiring college students to serve in college access roles less expensive.
Near peer counselors address the shortage of high school college counselors in Washington State. The negative effects of this shortage are felt most in underserved districts.
“High school graduation rates are the highest they’ve ever been,” said Reed. “That’s great, but it’s only half of the equation. If Washington is going to meet its’ workforce demands, we have to make sure we’re hitting that 70% mark for postsecondary credentials.”
HB 2025 passed the house with a vote of 95 to 2. It moves on to the Senate for consideration.