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Back to School College Campus Safety. What you MUST Know. With Black Belt, Safety & Self Defense Expert Rob Fletcher

Be Aware. Avoid texting. Cell phones. Headphones. Until in a secure area

The Mindset Zones Red, Yellow, Gray, Green

Back to School. College Campus Safety. What you MUST Know. Advice, tips and self defense. On Campus. Off Campus. Social Media. Parties and Events. sdi7 HIIT.

All women and teen age girls should have the knowledge of situational awareness. They should also have the skills of self defense. What to do. Where to strike. How to fight back. Period!”
— Rob Fletcher
NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, July 25, 2018 / -- Some Facts:
* 1 in 4 females will be sexually assaulted before she finishes four years of college.
* College-aged women more likely to be targeted
* Campus rape statistics are highest in the first three months of college.
* 80% know their attacker
* 55% of victims drank alcohol
* 74% of assailants drank
* 95% of all student on student crimes are alcohol and drug-related
* Freshman, naive and independent are easy targets for campus victimization.

Your Safety is the #1 why and purpose for our college campus safety, prevention. awareness, self-defense program, and our sdi7 HIIT Workouts. Parents and their loved ones gear up and prepare for the next phase of life, college. This is very exciting for all. At the same time emotions of fear, anxiety, and insecurity are on the forefront. Please take the time to review some of the safety tips below.

Practicing and reinforcing these things will keep you and your loved ones out of the category of being the perfect victim. I cannot emphasize this enough, please avoid complacency. Practice daily safety and prevention habits and behaviors. Develop a healthy awareness not paranoid fear to avoid potentially dangerous situations. 

Advice and Tips: College Campus Safety. Prevention. Awareness. Self Defense 

1. Take a Self Defense Course. Implement the sdi7 HIIT Workout into your fitness program. 

** Email for your FREE sdi7 HIIT Workout Manual. A workout you can do at home, in your dorm, apartment, hotel, gym, anywhere. 

2. Make it a habit to check in with family and friends.

3. If you are alone consider using your campus escort service. Get the contact information and save it on your phone. 

4. ALWAYS carry a whistle, alarm, sound horn, or mace. Have it in hand, ready to go if in questionable areas.

5. Social MEDIA: Set all your settings to private. 


1. Travel with a friend or in a group. Use well populated and familiar routes. 

2. Report suspicious activities or individuals. 

3. Be familiar with your emergency call box locations. 

4. Pay attention. Walk confidently with strong posture. Avoid headphones and being glued to texting and social media while traveling/walking between locations. Save for a safe zone or your final destination. 

1. Check main entrance is locked. Never let anyone in you do not know. 

2. If you lose your apt/room key replace locks immediately. 
3. Keep valuable personal items and documents locked away. 

4. When driving park in safe, well-lit locations. Keep doors locked at all times. 

5. Keep blinds and curtains closed while changing clothes. 

6. Be sure all doors and windows are locked when leaving room or apartment. 


1. Alcohol & Drugs: Be STRONG. Don’t cave to temptation and peer pressure. Know your limits when drinking. Do not accept drinks from someone you don’t know. Keep drinks in your hands at all times. NEVER mix drugs and alcohol. 

2. Don’t drink and drive. 

3. When dating be sure someone you know and trust knows where you're going and what time you plan on being home. Have a 911 code you can quickly text your trusted friend. Share your location with that trusted friend.


1. Travel with a buddy/ groups.

2. Be very familiar with the good and bad parts of the surrounding area.

3. If approached by a stranger asking for time or directions: keep your distance and stride. Don’t be distracted. Be aware. Trust your instincts. Avoidance is always a safe bet. 

4. Attackers look for those who appear to present the least amount of resistance. 

5. Avoid headphones. Stay off the texting, games and social media while walking and or jogging. 

6. Avoid late night ATM’s and shopping. 

7. Travel and park in familiar, populated and well-lit areas. 

8. If attacked. Yell. Scream. Run. Remember the sdi7 HIIT target primary target areas: eyes, nose, groin. Strikes: Palm, fingers, thumbs, elbows, knees, kicks.

Rob Fletchers sdi7 HIIT Tips
1. If attacked avoid the Red Mindset Zone - paralyzed by fear
2. Immediately enter the Green Mindset Zone, GO! Take action!! Use pepper spray. Yell. Scream. Run. Fight Back.
3. Focus on the vulnerable primary target areas: Eyes. Nose. Groin.Throat. Top of foot. Ribs.
3. Simple. Very Effective Strikes: Thumb gouge. Fingers (spear hand strike). Palm. Elbow. Kick. Knee. Headbutt. Hammerfist.
4. Practice sdi7 HIIT Workouts. using the fighting skills and self-defense techniques to turn the skill into a reflex/reaction.
5. Get in the habit of carrying pepper spray. Practice using the pepper spray. Have it in your hand and ready to go when in unfamiliar or questionable areas.

 Schedule or host an event at your college or university. sdi7 College Campus Safety. Prevention. Awareness. Self Defense Program and experience our awesome sdi7 HIIT Workouts. Email for more information. 

Rob Fletcher
Rob Fletcher Enterprises
email us here

sdi7 HIIT Simple and Very Efective Self Defense & Fighting Skills you can pratice at home.