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President Lai meets US delegation to presidential inauguration

TAIWAN, May 20 - President Lai meets US delegation to presidential inauguration

On the afternoon of May 20, President Lai Ching-te met with a delegation from the United States to attend the inauguration of the 16th-term president and vice president. In remarks, the president stated that he will lead a full national security and administrative team to promote the Four Pillars of Peace action plan, and that through values-based diplomacy, Taiwan will strengthen our links with other countries, jointly safeguard regional peace and stability, and advance global prosperity and development. President Lai said he looks forward to continued US support for cooperation in such areas as security, economy and trade, and technology, taking the rock-solid Taiwan-US partnership to the next level.

A translation of President Lai’s remarks follows:

I am very happy to be meeting with friends following the inauguration ceremony. On behalf of the people of Taiwan, I want to thank both the US public and private sectors again for supporting Taiwan. Today, the new administration officially begins its work. I know the Taiwan Strait issue is something everyone is concerned with, and it is also something that our new government attaches importance to. I will therefore lead a full national security and administrative team to promote the Four Pillars of Peace action plan. Through values-based diplomacy, Taiwan will strengthen our links with other countries, jointly safeguard regional peace and stability, and advance global prosperity and development.

I look forward to the US executive branch and Congress continuing to support cooperation in such areas as security, economy and trade, and technology on the solid foundations of mutual trust Taiwan and the US share, taking our rock-solid partnership to the next level.

All members of this delegation are longtime friends who are tremendously important to Taiwan. You have also been committed to advancing cooperation between Taiwan and the US in all areas. I hope that shortly, we can exchange opinions on a variety of issues.

Former National Economic Council Director Brian Deese then delivered remarks, offering to President Lai sincere congratulations on his inauguration as Taiwan’s fifth democratically elected president. He then reiterated the US’s commitment to working in close partnership with President Lai and his administration to grow and deepen ties between Taiwan and the US, emphasizing that our partnership is stronger than ever.

Former Director Deese stated that the US approach to Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiqués, and the Six Assurances. Our approach has remained consistent and steadfast for decades and across administrations, he said, and in recent years, our unofficial partnership has grown closer than ever. Taiwan and the US share a deep and abiding interest in maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, he said, and the US welcomes President Lai’s commitment to maintaining the cross-strait status quo.

The former director emphasized that the US commitment to Taiwan is deep, bipartisan, and principled, and it is not changing. He said this is a key shared priority enabled by Taiwan’s ongoing responsible and pragmatic reactions and actions in the region and on the world stage. He went on to say that the US also shares an interest in a Taiwan that is more innovative, competitive, and resilient, and that the US looks forward to deepening our relationship on investment, innovation, and trade working with President Lai’s administration.

Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage then delivered remarks, saying that the US will continue to deliver on its longstanding commitment to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability. He then commended Taiwan’s recent defense reforms.

Former Deputy Secretary Armitage stated that as evidenced by the many congratulatory messages following Taiwan’s successful January elections, there is strong international appreciation for the importance of Taiwan’s democratic voice, meaningful participation in international fora, and for maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, which is critical for global security. He expressed confidence that under President Lai’s leadership, Taiwan-US ties will only continue to grow closer, and said that the US looks forward to continuing to work with Taiwan to tackle shared challenges and seize opportunities for mutual growth.

Also in attendance were Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution Richard Bush and American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Chairperson Laura Rosenberger. The delegation was accompanied to the Presidential Office by AIT Taipei Office Director Sandra Oudkirk.