Inaugural MarketsandMarkets Real-World Evidence and Data Analytics Conference to be Held in Frankfurt, Germany.

MarketsandMarkets Real-World Evidence and Data Analytics Conference

The conference will bring the full spectrum of experts, leaders, and stakeholders to share a board prospective on significant points and hold discussions

FRANKFURT, HESSE, GERMANY, June 2, 2023/ -- Frankfurt, Germany - May 30, 2023 - MarketsandMarkets, is pleased to announce its inaugural Real-World Evidence and Data Analytics Conference, scheduled to take place in Frankfurt, Germany on October 5th, and 6th, 2023. This ground-breaking event aims to bring together industry leaders, experts, and professionals from the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors to explore the latest advancements, trends, and opportunities in the field of real-world evidence and data analytics.

The conference will serve as a platform for participants to gain insights into cutting-edge technologies, best practices, and case studies that are shaping the future of real-world evidence and data analytics. Attendees can expect a comprehensive program consisting of keynote speeches, panel discussions, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities with top experts in the field.

Enquire Now:

One of the early registered sponsors for the conference is 𝗖𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗺 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗵 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮, a renowned provider of real-world data solutions. Cegedim Health Data's participation highlights the company's commitment to driving innovation and advancing the field of real-world evidence. As a sponsor, Cegedim Health Data will have the unique opportunity to showcase its products and services to a highly engaged and relevant audience.

"We are delighted to have Cegedim Health Data as one of our esteemed sponsors for the inaugural Real-World Evidence and Data Analytics Conference," said Manali Taras, International Conference Producer at MarketsandMarkets. "Their expertise and contribution to the field of real-world evidence are invaluable, and we believe their participation will greatly enhance the overall experience for attendees."

MarketsandMarkets invites other organizations and businesses to seize the opportunity to promote their products and services to a targeted audience by becoming sponsors for this prestigious event. By registering before June 30, 2023, sponsors can take advantage of a special limited-time offer of 20% off their sponsorship package.

Use Code: RWE20 and avail of the offer today!

Conference Registration:

Key highlights of the conference:

• Thought-provoking keynote speeches by industry leaders, sharing their insights on real-world evidence and data analytics.
• Interactive panel discussions with experts, exploring the challenges and opportunities in the field.
• Case studies showcasing successful implementations of real-world evidence and data analytics in healthcare and pharmaceuticals.
• Networking sessions provide valuable connections and collaboration opportunities.
• Exhibitions featuring the latest products, technologies, and services in the real-world evidence and data analytics landscape.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the inaugural MarketsandMarkets Real-World Evidence and Data Analytics Conference. To learn more about the event, and sponsorship opportunities, and to register, visit the conference website at

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One of the world's top companies for B2B conferences, summits, and corporate events is MarketsandMarkets™ Conferences. Our events give business executives, decision-makers, and subject-matter experts a forum for networking, knowledge exchange, and discussion of the most recent advancements in their specialised industries. We provide coverage for many different areas, including pharmaceuticals, healthcare, biotechnology, information technology, and many more. Excellent delegates from all over the world, such as Fortune 500 firms, SMEs, startups, and others, regularly attend our events.

We bring together top experts from academia, business, and government at our conferences to share knowledge and best practices, talk about opportunities and problems, and examine new trends and technology. Our conferences are geared towards offering high-quality and informative content.

We at MarketsandMarkets Conferences are dedicated to giving our attendees the most beneficial and educational experience we can. We are committed to providing events that beyond the expectations of our participants and work hard to foster an environment that fosters collaboration, creativity, and thought leadership. Discover the most recent trends, innovations, and best practices in your sector by attending our upcoming conference.

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