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Joe & Emmy Liu Family Foundation Launches Lively Habits App and Lively Health Video Projects to STOP Chronic Conditions

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An Alarming Mortality Rate Identified In COVID-19 Patients With Chronic Conditions That Could Be Prevented Through Lifestyle Training And Behavior Changes.

FREMONT, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, February 1, 2022 / -- The Fremont, California-based non-profit Joe & Emmy Liu Family Foundation today announces the launch of a charitable Lively Health YouTube channel in conjunction with a Lively Habits App for the purpose of educating and conditioning folks’ lifestyle habits in an effort to stop the nation's rising prevalence of Chronic Conditions.

What is a chronic condition? A chronic condition is an undesirable medical condition that stays with one for more than a year and requires ongoing medical attention – like hypertension, obesity, diabetes, stroke, cancer, coronary heart disease, mental disorder, and arthritis. Chronic conditions could adversely impact one’s health for life and be vulnerable to other diseases, like COVID-19.

Why is it essential to prevent chronic conditions? Chronic conditions increase our nation’s medical expenses, mortality rate, reduce the quality of life, and independence, according to RAND Corporation’s research. The US spends around 4 trillion dollars a year on healthcare; more than 75% goes to treat chronic conditions-related diseases. The CDC has long advised us that many chronic conditions are preventable by avoiding harmful lifestyle habits like smoking and excessive alcohol drinking.

What can we do? Our nation is suffering from the rising prevalence of chronic conditions due to poor lifestyle choices, according to the CDC. The Lively Projects were inspired by Harvard University, Public Health School’s recent lifestyle habits research. They found that following five specific lifestyle habits of weight watching, balanced diet, routine exercise, no smoking, and no excess of drinking could substantially reduce the likelihood of getting chronic conditions, improve physical health, and add ten more years to their lifespan. The research started by following participants starting at the age of 50. The result shows that participants were 82% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease and 65% less likely to die from cancer when compared to those with the least healthy lifestyles throughout the roughly 30-year study period.

Further inspiration by Stanford Center on Longevity Research’s studies concluded that mental, financial, and social health are equally essential to human health and preventing chronic conditions. The Joe and Emmy Liu Family Foundation thus decided to use the leading cloud-app technology to build a self-directed lifestyle habits app.

The Lively Habits App integrates science-based lifestyle habits to educate, motivate, and condition people on lifestyle habits to prevent chronic conditions. This app is a 100% charity project sponsored solely by The Joe & Emmy Liu Family Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit operating foundation. In this self-directed lifestyle habits checkup app they also integrated two medical checkups on top of eight other physical, mental, social, and financial related checkups - a total of 10 lifestyle habits; a holistic way to stop chronic conditions.

The app monitors 10 lifestyle habits through self-assessed Q&As and a scoring system that monitors, coaches, and motivates users’ gradual lifestyle habit changes. Each question is designed to address 1 of the 10 holistic lifestyle habits. After answering the 10 Q&As, users will get a final score based on their current lifestyle habits. Based on the scores, the Lively Habits App will coach users’ through their weaknesses and keep a score record.

The Foundation also launched an educational video channel called Lively Health on YouTube and other platforms to help stop the nation’s rising prevalence of chronic conditions. The video channel educates the public on the 10 holistic lifestyle habits, provides health news, and educational content to prevent chronic conditions. The Lively Health project intends to educate the public on how to prevent chronic conditions and build holistic health habits using the Lively Habits App.

Download Lively Habits App: or

Lively Health YouTube channel link:

The Joe & Emmy Liu Family Foundation was founded by semiconductor veteran Joe and his wife Emmy Liu as a 501(c)3 nonprofit operating foundation. The Foundation’s mission is to use technology innovation to benefit human wellbeing. Lively Habits is a charitable lifestyle habits App for people’s holistic health and stopping the rising prevalence of chronic conditions. Lively Health charity video channel is also devoted to helping people prevent chronic conditions.

To visit the Foundation website:

Media Contact:
Joe & Emmy Liu Family Foundation
Ray Kuo
(415) 610-5567

Keywords: #Chroniccondition, #lifestylehabits, #preventable, #COVID-19, #habits, #preventchronicconditions, #stopchronicconditions, #10habits, #holistichealth, #self-directedcheckups, #behavior, #condition, #lifestyle, #health, #smoking, #drinking, #exercise, #diet, #sleep, #hypertension, #obesity, #diabetes, #stroke, #cancer, #coronary, #preventivecare, #heartdisease, #mentaldisorder, #arthritis, #physical, #mental, #social, #financial, #medical, #hypertension, #obesity, #diabetes, #stroke, #cancer, #coronaryheartdisease

Ray Kuo
Joe & Emmy Liu Foundation
+1 415-610-5567
email us here

Why Should We Build Healthy Habits?