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Maine Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Traffic Safety Programming

Students Against Destructive Decisions in Maine is offering educators across the state free access to mental health, prevention and mobility safety resources through a partnership with the Maine Bureau of Highway Safety.

Schools that become SADD chapters can not only implement any or all of SADD’s programming, they also can take advantage of SADD’s roster of local and national partners, as well as our engaging expert speakers.

SADD chapters offer unique opportunities to your students including attendance at national conferences and webinars; access to scholarship opportunities; new ways to connect with peers across the country; and some great things to put on their college applications.

Becoming a SADD chapter is completely free, and there are no requirements for participation. Your chapter can do as little or as much as works for your school. If you are interested in finding out more, please reach out to Christina Schechtman, Maine SADD State Coordinator, at or visit


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