On March 12, 2020, Governor Lawrence J. Hogan, Jr. issued an Executive Order suspending the legal time authorizations of certain State issued licenses, permits, registrations and authorizations due to the proclaimed state-of-emergency and catastrophic health emergency pandemic related to COVID-19. This Executive Order applied to all licenses, permits and registrations issued or required by the Maryland Department of State Police Licensing Division. At that time, the expiration date of each covered authorization was extended to the 30th day, after the date by which the state-of-emergency is terminated and catastrophic health emergency is rescinded. This has been amended and is no longer valid. The original Executive Order can be read by clicking the following link: https://governor.maryland.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Licenses-Permits-Registration.pdf
On March 9, 2021, Governor Hogan amended this Executive Order by only extending it through June 30, 2021. Therefore, all licenses, permits and registrations issued or required by the Maryland Department of State Police Licensing Division are now extended through June 30, 2021. Any license, permit or registration that has expired during the time period covered by the Executive Order, (March 12, 2020 through June 30, 2021), will require the appropriate renewal application or registration to be submitted in order to remain current after the June 30th expiration of the Executive Order. The current Executive Order can be read by clicking the following link: https://governor.maryland.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Licenses-Timeframes-2d-AMENDED-03.09.21.pdf
Licenses, Permits and Registrations issued by the Maryland Department of State Police Licensing Division affected by this Executive Order include, but may not be limited to the following:
Private Detective Certifications and Agencies
Machine Gun Registration / Renewal
Security Guard Certifications and Agencies
MD Regulated Firearm Dealers License
Security Systems Technicians and Agencies
MD New Resident Registration
Special Police Commissions
Qualified Handgun Instructor License
Wear and Carry (Handgun) Permit
Please note that certain renewal applications have specific requirements that must be followed to avoid expiration of the permit, license or registration. Please refer to our website (MDSP Licensing Division) to review specific renewal requirements. To ensure that renewal applications are processed before June 30, 2021, it is suggested that you file your application as soon as possible.
For further assistance, please contact the specific unit of the Licensing Division at the below email addresses: msp.firearmsregistration@maryland.gov – Regulated firearm purchase/transfer application msp.handgunpermits@maryland.gov – Handgun carry permit application msp.hql@maryland.gov – Handgun qualification license application msp.privatedetective@maryland.gov – Private detective certification msp.securityguard@maryland.gov – Security guard certifications msp.securitysystems@maryland.gov – Security systems certification msp.specialrailroadpolice@maryland.gov – Special railroad police certifications For additional information, please visit our website by clicking here: https://mdsp.maryland.gov/Organization/Pages/CriminalInvestigationBureau/LicensingDivision.aspx A complete list of Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic can be found at: https://governor.maryland.gov/covid-19-pandemic-orders-and-guidance/