The Veterans Health Administration is beginning the process of notifying and scheduling Veterans for the COVID-19 vaccine. High-risk Veterans will be contacted first followed by all other Veterans who want a vaccine. High-risk Veterans are identified as 75 or older and/or have a medical condition that may put you at risk for getting the coronavirus based on VA and CDC risk criteria.
There is nothing you need to do at this time. The VA Salt Lake City Health System will reach out to you to schedule your vaccination appointment. Please do not call your provider, the medical center, or the Utah Department of Veterans & Military Affairs to inquire about vaccinations.
What to Expect: The vaccines are free and require two doses, given 28 days apart. You will be scheduled for your second dose at your first vaccine appointment. The VA Salt Lake City Health System will closely monitor everyone who gets the vaccine for reactions, side effects, or adverse events. Please refer to the links below for common side effects or any safety concerns you may have.
- Please arrive 10 minutes early and expect a small amount of paperwork prior to the vaccine. If you need assistance, please feel free to bring someone with you.
- The VA Salt Lake City Health System Vaccine Clinic is located in the basement of building 14, room BD01 (previous library location) (please see attached map).
- You can access the clinic from the side entrance of building 14.
Resources CDC vaccine website:
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/index.html https://www.va.gov/health-care/covid-19-vaccine/
Veterans Health Administration Vaccine Website: