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Project updates through Week of Jan. 4, 2021

TYLER – TxDOT is planning to conduct the following construction and maintenance work in the district through the week of Jan. 4, 2021. Work schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment failure, or other unforeseen issues. Slow down and pay attention in work zones.

Note: TxDOT offices will be closed for Christmas, Dec. 24-25, and on New Year's Day. To accommodate travel during the Christmas holidays, no lane closures are planned for Dec. 21 - 27.


Anderson County – Palestine Maintenance crews plan to continue work on the FM 837 widening project between FM 315 and SH 155. Expect lane closures with flaggers directing traffic.

Anderson County construction projects updates:

Safety Improvement Project • Limits: US 287, etc., in Rusk, Anderson, Smith, and Henderson counties • Contractor: Stripe-A-Zone • Cost: $1.1 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Spring 2021 The contractor is scheduled to perform cleanup operations. Expect lane closures and delays. The contract includes upgrading centerline and edge line rumble strips, and pavement markings.

County Road Off-System Bridge Project • Limits: Various locations in Anderson County • Contractor: Stateline Construction, LLC • Cost: $1.5 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Summer 2021 The contractor is scheduled to continue work on the bridges and roadway elements for CR 458 and CR 468. The bridges on both roads are closed to thru traffic. The project is constructing bridges, and upgrading storm sewers, guardrails, base, pavement surfaces, and pavement markings.

US 79 Super 2 Project • Limits: From 0.5 mile northeast of Loop 256 to the Anderson/Cherokee County line • Contractor: Madden Contracting Company, LLC • Cost: $14.4 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Summer 2021 Work is ongoing on the shoulders and driveways, and to place drainage structures. The work zone speed limit is 60 mph. Expect lane closures and delays. The project is widening for a Super 2, including sub-grade work, surface treatment, base and surface hot-mix asphalt, widening structures, bridge rail, metal beam guard fence, signage, and permanent striping.  

US 287 Super 2 Project • Limits: From just north of FM 2419 south to 1.7 miles north of SH 294 in Elkhart • Contractor: A.L. Helmcamp, Inc. • Cost: $6.1 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 The contractor is scheduled to continue cleanup operations. Expect lane closures and delays. The speed limit is 60 mph through portions of the project which includes base repairs, treated subgrade, surface asphalt, upgrading structures, signs, and pavement markings.


Cherokee County – Jacksonville Maintenance crews plan to continue edge work on FM 2138 as well as on FM 343, and FM 747. The Rusk crew is scheduled to implement edge and base repair operations on FM 1247 and FM 1911. Expect lane closures at all locations with traffic control managed by flaggers.

Cherokee County construction projects updates:

FM 235 Safety Widening • Limits: From SH 110 going east to FM 2274 • Contractor: Madden Contracting Company, LLC • Cost: $3.5 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2021 The contractor is scheduled to continue installing drainage improvements. The project will widen the existing roadway and incorporate safety upgrades.

FM 241 Safety Widening • Limits: From US 69 going southeast to SH 21 • Contractor: A. L. Helmcamp, Inc. • Cost: $5.5 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Summer 2021 The contactor is scheduled to continue paving operations. Expect lane closures with a pilot car providing traffic control. The project is widening the existing roadway and incorporating safety upgrades.

County Road Bridge Replacement Project • Limits: CR 2905 at Bowles Crk.; CR 2614 at Beans Crk.; CR 1504 at Turnpike Crk.;   CR 3203 at Mills Crk. • Contractor: Stateline Construction, LLC • Cost: $1.9 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 CR 3203 at Mills Creek is closed to through traffic with the contractor scheduled to continue bridge construction. CR 1504 at Turnpike Creek is closed to through traffic with bridge construction ongoing. No work is scheduled on CR 2905 at Bowles Creek or CR 2614 at Beans Creek both of which are open to traffic. The project is replacing the existing bridges at each location with new structures.

SH 204 Super-2 Widening Project • Limits: From US 79 in Jacksonville southeast to SH 110 • Contractor: Madden Contracting Company, LLC • Cost: $13.7 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Summer 2021 The contractor continues the construction of the eastbound passing lanes. Expect daily lane closures on this project that is adding passing lanes and incorporating safety upgrades.

US 69 Sidewalks in Jacksonville • Limits: From Nacogdoches St. to Tena St. in Jacksonville • Contractor: Highway 19 Construction, LLC • Cost: $507,099.00 • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 No work is scheduled. The project is constructing sidewalks along US 69 in Jacksonville.

US 79 Widening Project • Limits: From the Neches River to 1.2 miles northeast of FM 747 • Contractor: Drewery Construction Company, Inc. • Cost: $8.2 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 No work is scheduled. Expect delays when construction is in progress. The work zone speed limit is 60 mph. The road is being widened to add passing lanes.

US 79 Rehabilitation Project • Limits: From 0.16 mile east of SH 110 to the Mud Creek Relief Bridge • Contractor: Madden Contracting Company, LLC • Cost: $8.2 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 The contractor is scheduled to perform bridge rail upgrades. Expect daily lane closures with delays possible when construction is in progress. The work zone speed limit is 60 mph for this project to rebuild the roadway pavement and upgrade bridge rails.


Gregg County – Longview Maintenance crews plan to perform stockpile cleanup and address routine maintenance on roads around the county.

Gregg County construction projects updates:

FM 2206/Harrison Road • Limits: From Loop 281 to Fisher Rd • Contractor: East Texas Bridge • Cost: $15.16 million • Anticipated Completion Date: November 2021 The contractor will be extending culverts and constructing detours. Expect daytime lane closures and delays. The project consists of widening the two-lane roadway to four lanes with a center turn lane. Work includes drainage structures, flexible base, curb and gutter, sidewalks, hot mix, and pavement markings.

FM 2206/Harrison Road • Limits: Fisher Rd to SH 42 • Contractor: East Texas Bridge • Cost: $14.15 million • Anticipated Completion Date: May 2022 The contractor will be extending culverts and constructing detours. Expect daytime lane closures and delays. This project consists of widening the two-lane road to four lanes with a center turn lane. Work includes drainage structures, a new bridge, flexible base, hot mix and pavement markings. 

Various Guardrail Upgrade Projects • Limits: Various locations in Gregg and Rusk counties • Contractor: Odum Services, Inc. • Cost: $415,605.00 • Anticipated Completion Date: December 2020 The project consists of replacing guardrail end treatments on SH 300, FM 2207, SH 349, FM 3053, FM 2012, US 259, Loop 571, FM 782, FM 2658, FM 2867, FM 348, and FM 225. Work includes replacing the existing guardrail and end treatments. Expect lane closures with flaggers directing traffic. 

FM 3272 Restoration Project • Limits: From US 80 to FM 2275 in White Oak • Contractor: Reynolds and Kay, LTD • Cost: $3.1 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 The contractor will be addressing punch list items. Expect lane closures and delays. Work includes pavement restoration - milling, repair, one-course surface treatment, hot mix overlay, a new sidewalk on the east side, new pedestrian crossing, and pavement markings.

FM 1844 Widening Project • Limits: From SH 300 (Gilmer Rd) to Spur 502 (Judson Road) • Contractor: Madden Contracting Company, LLC • Cost: $2.6 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 The contractor is addressing punch list items. Expect lane closures and delays with flaggers managing traffic control. The project includes widening, placing hot mix asphalt, surface treatment, extending culverts, and applying striping.


Henderson County – Athens Maintenance is scheduled to perform base repairs on FM 804 between US 175E and FM 607, and on FM 2613 between FM 85 and the Kaufman County line. A second crew will be patching edges on roadways around the county. Starting December 28, a contractor will be conducting bridge maintenance work at the Kickapoo Creek Bridge on FM 1803N between SH 31 and FM 773. Expect lane closures and delays at all locations with flaggers handling traffic.

Henderson County construction projects updates:

Traffic Signal Project • Limits: Various Locations in Henderson County • Contractor: Texas Traffic Control Systems, Inc. • Cost: $1.0 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2021 The contractor is scheduled to continue traffic signal work on Loop 256 in Palestine. Expect lane closures and delays. The project consists of improving the intersection and installing a traffic signal.

FM 59 Safety Improvements Project • Limits: From BS19J in Athens going southwest to Loop 7 • Contractor: Big Creek Construction, LTD. • Cost: $1.7 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2021 The contractor will continue work on the driveways and drainage structures on FM 59. Expect lane closures and delays. A detour will be implemented at FM 59 and Highland Drive starting Jan. 4 and is expected to remain in place for approximately two weeks. The contract consists of grading, asphalt concrete pavement base, base repair, one course surface treatment, concrete pavement surface and markings, metal beam guard fence, structures, signs..

US 175 Project • Limits: From Loop 7 to FM 804 • Contractor: Reynolds & Kay, LTD • Cost: $12.1 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Summer 2021 The contractor is scheduled to continue roadway work on the eastbound lanes. The eastbound inside lane is closed. The speed limit has been reduced to 60 mph throughout the project. Watch for trucks entering and exiting the lane closure. The project consists of adding shoulders and improving drainage.

SH 334 Bridge Project • Limits: From Knob Hill in Seven Points (one mile east of SH 274), east to Southland in Gun Barrel City (2.5 miles west of SH 198) • Contractor: Austin Bridge and Road Services, LP • Cost: $41.2 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Spring 2021 The contractor has scheduled a traffic switch for Jan. 7. Work continues for the new westbound bridges and roadway elements. Expect lane closures for deliveries and road repairs. The project will upgrade the road from two to four lanes and includes the construction of bridges, storm sewers, guardrails, base, pavement surfaces and markings.


Rusk County – Henderson Maintenance crews plan to address routine issues including potholes and right-of-way encroachments on roadways around the county through December 23. Base repair operations are planned starting December 28 on FM 348 between US 79 and FM 1798 and continuing through January 8. Expect lane closures with flaggers managing traffic control.   Rusk County construction projects updates:

US 259 SB Reconstruction • Limits: From FM 1798 to US 84 • Contractor: Madden Construction Co., Inc. • Cost: $7.3 million • Anticipated Completion Date: December 2020 The contractor is addressing punch list items. Expect lane closures and delays with flaggers providing traffic control. The project is reconstructing the southbound roadway from FM 1798 to FM 315, and all lanes from FM 315 to just south of US 84. Work includes surface treatment, milling, hot mix overlay, guardrails, signs, and new pavement markings.


Smith County – Tyler Maintenance crews plan to conduct routine work including pothole and sign repair on roadways throughout the county. The Week of January 4, mill and inlay operations will resume on FM 15 near Troup. A second crew will perform bridge channel maintenance on FM 2710 two miles west of FM 14. Expect lane closures at both locations with traffic controlled by flaggers.

Smith County construction projects updates:

Guardrail Upgrades (New Project) • Limits: At various locations in Smith and Cherokee counties • Contractor: 3LW Civil, LLC • Cost: $833,000.00 • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 The contractor is scheduled to install new guardrail at various locations in Smith Co., and daily lane closures are anticipated in the work area.  The project consists of safety improvements including guard rail upgrades.

FM 344, etc., Safety Improvements • Limits: FM 344 – From FM 756 east to SH 110; FM 768 – from Loop 456, S to FM 22 • Contractor: A R Brothers Construction Services, Inc. • Cost: $1.8 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2021 The contractor is scheduled to continue drainage improvements on FM 344 with daily lane closures anticipated. No work is planned on FM 768. The project consists of improving drainage, culvert work, and guardrail upgrades.

US 69 (Broadway Ave.) Resurfacing Project • Limits: From 4th St. to Loop 323 • Contractor: Drewery Construction Co. Inc. • Cost: $2 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 The contractor is scheduled to perform bridge rail upgrades. Work is slated from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday – Thursday, and on Sunday from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Expect lane closures and delays. The project consists of bridge rail, curb and gutter, and pavement resurfacing.

Old Sabine River Bottom WMA Park Road Culvert Replacement • Limits: At Old Sabine River • Contractor: Baker & Company Construction, LLC • Cost: $178,000.00 • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 The contractor is scheduled to perform project cleanup. The roadway is open to traffic. This project consists of culvert replacement and related items.

Sidewalks at Various Locations in Smith County • Limits: SH 64 in Tyler (Entrada Lane to Parkdale Drive); SH 110 in Troup (CR 2138 to FM 347); SH 135 in Troup (FM 13 to Tiger Drive) • Contractor: Highway 19 Construction, LLC • Cost: $3.5 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2021 The contractor plans to continue sidewalk and driveway construction on SH 64 utilizing daily lane closures. The project will construct sidewalks along SH 64W in Tyler, SH 110W in Troup, and SH 135N in Troup.

I-20 Resurfacing Project • Limits: From FM 849 to 0.8 mile west of US 69 • Contractor: Texas Materials Group, Inc. • Cost: $3.2 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 The contractor is scheduled to perform project cleanup. Work will be conducted from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., Sunday through Thursday. Expect lane closures. The work zone speed limit is 65 mph. The project consists of ramp improvements and frontage road construction.

FM 16, etc., Safety Improvements • Limits: From SH 155 to US 271 • Contractor: Stateline Construction, LLC • Cost: $3.88 million • Anticipated Completion Date: January 2021 The contractor is working on drainage upgrades and driveways. Expect lane closures and delays. The project consists of culverts, safety end treatments, drainage upgrades, bridge rail upgrades, new metal beam guard fence, and driveway asphalt. 

Loop 323 Resurfacing Project • Limits: From 0.1 mile west of SH 155, east to 0.8 miles east of US 69 in Tyler • Contractor: Drewery Construction Co. Inc. • Cost: $5 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 The contractor is scheduled to perform final project cleanup. Work hours are 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., Sunday through Thursday. Two eastbound lanes will be closed on Loop 323 in the paving area each night. The project consists of pavement resurfacing.

SH 135 Widening Project • Limits: From Arp to Troup • Contractor: Drewery Construction Co. Inc. • Cost: $9 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2021 No work is scheduled. When work resumes, expect daily lane closures with a pilot car managing traffic control. The project is adding passing lanes, improving drainage structures, and pavement resurfacing.

I-20 Ramp Improvement Project • Limits: From US 69 to Jim Hogg Road • Contractor: Longview Bridge and Road, LTD • Cost: $14.8 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Summer 2021 The contractor is scheduled to perform project cleanup. The work zone speed limit is 65 mph. The project consists of ramp improvements and the construction of frontage roads.

US 69 Overpass at FM 346 • Limits: At FM 346 • Contractor: Longview Bridge & Road, LTD. • Cost: $16.7 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2020 The contractor is scheduled to continue bridge and roadway construction. Lane closures are planned for the US 69 northbound and southbound inside lanes to perform paving work. The US 69 work zone speed limit is 60 mph. The project consists of building a new US 69 bridge over FM 346.

FM 2493 Widening Project • Limits: From FM 2813 in Gresham south to FM 346 in Flint • Contractor: Highway 19 Construction, LLC • Cost: $14.5 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2021 The contractor is scheduled to continue with construction on the east half of the roadway. A construction work zone of 45 mph is in effect for the project. The project will widen FM 2493 from two lanes to a four-lane divided roadway with a flush median.


Van Zandt County – Canton Maintenance crews plan to conduct routine activities including pothole and sign repairs on roadways around the county for the next two weeks. Overlay operations are scheduled for the Week of January 4 on FM 858 between Martins Mill and Ben Wheeler. Expect lane closures with traffic control managed by flaggers. 

Van Zandt County construction projects updates:

I-20 Overlay Project • Limits: From SH 64 in Canton to FM 314 in Van • Contractor: Austin Bridge and Road Services, LP • Cost: $5.2 million • Anticipated Completion Date: December 2020 Crews will be addressing punch list items. No lane closures are anticipated. The project includes paving improvements in the WB lanes only from 1.6 miles east of FM 16 in Van to 0.4 miles west of FM 17 in Canton. The work zone speed limit is 65 mph. The project consists of pavement repair, planing, membrane underseal, permeable friction course (PFC) surface overlay, MBGF, and pavement markings.

CR 3605, etc. Bridge Replacement (Notice of Project Completion) • Limits: CR 3605 at Giladon Creek; CR 3117 at Crooked Creek Tributary • Contractor: East Texas Bridge, Inc. • Cost: $1.07 million • Anticipated Completion Date: December 2020 The project is complete.

Safety Improvement Project • Limits: FM 47 & other roads in Van Zandt, Anderson, Henderson & Smith counties • Contractor: Highway 19 Construction, LLC • Cost: $4.5 million • Anticipated Completion Date: Spring 2022 Driveway and drainage structure work are ongoing on FM 47. Expect lane closures and delays. Project work includes grading, structure work, guardrail replacement, and bridge rail upgrades.

US 80 Safety Improvements • Limits: From the Kaufman County line east to SH 19 • Contractor: Baker & Company Construction, LLC • Cost: $2.54 million • Anticipated Completion Date: February 2021 Crews will be removing and replacing driveway structures west of Edgewood. Expect daily outside lane closures in each direction managed with channelizing devices. The project consists of improving drainage, culverts, and upgrading guardrails for safety.

FM 1652 Rehab Project (Notice of Project Completion) • Limits: From FM 17 to FM 1255 • Contractor: Highway 19 Construction, LLC • Cost: $4.5 million • Anticipated Completion Date: December 2020 The project is complete.


Wood County – Mineola Maintenance crews plan to conduct edge repairs on FM 779 between SH 37 and US 69 during Christmas week. Expect lane closures with flaggers handling traffic control. 

Wood County construction projects updates:

FM 14 Mill & Inlay • Limits: From FM 1795 (Hawkins) south for 4.3 miles to FM 2015 • Contractor: East Texas Bridge, Inc. • Cost: $4.3 million • Anticipated Completion Date: January 2021 Crews will be performing base repair and paving operations from US 80 north to FM 1795 in Hawkins. Expect delays due to daily closures of the southbound outside lane. The project includes pavement repair, planing, superpave base, membrane underseal, superpave surface, metal beam guard fence, and pavement markings.

SH 182, etc., Safety Treating Project • Limits: Various roadways with current work on FM 182 from FM 17 to SH 154 • Contractor: Highway 19 Construction, LLC • Cost: $1.2 million • Anticipated Completion Date: January 2021 Crews will be addressing punch list items on FM 1805. Expect minor delays due to periodic single-lane closures with flaggers and a pilot car providing traffic control. The project consists of extending and improving drainage structures for safety.


I-20 Total Maintenance Contract • Limits: Gregg, Smith and Van Zandt counties • Contractor: Firemen Excavation, maintenance activities • Contractor: Andrews Diversified Industries, litter removal • Contractor: Striping Technology Routine maintenance activities are ongoing on I-20 with moving operations throughout the week. • Debris Removal/Pothole Repair Inside Lanes: Thursday through all counties • Debris Removal/Pothole Repair Outside Lanes: Monday - Wednesday in all counties • Debris Removal/Pothole Repair Frontage Roads/Ramps: Friday in all counties • Guardrail/Sign Repair: Emergency repairs due to vehicle crashes in all counties • Striping: Working on raised pavement markers in Gregg and Smith counties • Tree Removal: In Gregg County  

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