NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Overwhelming Silent on Sexual Harassment & Sexual Abuse

The national spotlight is on sexual harassment and sexual abuse, so the big question now is, why is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo silent?

We are in desperate need of a major spiritual awakening and we need righteous leaders to stand up and speak up now against this evil.”
— Michael Carey
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, November 5, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Harvey Weinstein was a major campaign contributor to Governor Andrew Cuomo. Harvey Weinstein is why sexual harassment, rape and sexual abuse are getting so much national attention right now and rightfully so, sexual abuse and sexual harassment are major problems. Where there are major problems, major actions are required to fix or minimize them, this is what leaders do. We have a sick problem in our society; people prey on and try to control or use others for their own personal gratification through many different means, no matter what the cost to others. Tragically, sexual abuse and sexual harassment is probably the largest societal problem and when coupled with money, when in many cases it does, it is exponentially bigger. Lives are being destroyed, countless innocent and extremely vulnerable people are in many cases forever tainted and damaged as a result of sexual abuse or sexual harassment. We are in desperate need of a major spiritual awakening and we need righteous leaders to stand up and speak up now against this evil.

Within the last week I watched the eye opening and jaw dropping movie, Spotlight, which by film brought out the amazing feat of journalism that exposed disgusting child sexual abuse and rapes of God only knows of how many boys and girls by catholic priests. Within the last few weeks alone the news stories just keep coming out, one woman after another keep coming out to explain what many say Harvey Weinstein did to them. But the news is not only what is being alleged regarding Harvey Weinstein, but many other men as well. Bad things are coming to light much more now for a reason and it is because it is time to deal with these horrific problems, not sweep them under the rug.

Two New Yorkers in top position of authority that Governor Cuomo appears to know well have been in the news and public spotlight lately because of allegations of sexual harassment. The first is Jay Kiyonaga who headed up the governors troubled abuse hotline for the disabled called the Justice Center. Kiyonaga was promoted secretly by Cuomo after allegations of sexual harassment as reported on by the NY Post and CBS news. The New York Post first broke this story about Jay Kiyonaga titled “Top Cuomo official claims former boss sexually harassed employees” http://nypost.com/2017/10/23/top-cuomo-official-claims-former-boss-sexually-harassed-employees/ . This story was picked up by many media outlets including CBS News which added an important piece to this puzzle; their story is titled “Former Cuomo aide claims harassment by superior https://www.cbsnews.com/news/patricia-gunning-cuomo-administration-aide-claims-harassment-by-superior/ . Mr. Kiyonaga was promoted instead of fired, why?

Numerous calls for the firing of Jay Kiyonaga went directly to the Governor and his Deputy Secretary of Health, Paul Francis, by Michael Carey, the founder of the Jonathan Carey Foundation, for many months before these sexual harassment allegations surfaced publicly, they all were ignored. Instead of Jay Kiyonaga being fired for allegations of covering –up sex crimes and deaths of people with disabilities, Jay Kiyonaga was left in his position for many months and then secretly promoted by Governor Cuomo. The people of New York State have the right to know these answers to why was Jay Kiyonaga promoted and how could a person that could possibly be a danger to people with disabilities or women be promoted to become the Deputy Commission of the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD)?The Governor of Kentucky just called for the resignation of any elected official involved in sexual harassment in this breaking news story “Ky Gov calls for any elected official accused of sexual harassment to resign” http://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/358795-ky-gov-calls-for-any-elected-official-accused-of-sexual-harassment-to

This leads to numerous questions surrounding Jay Kiyonaga that Governor Cuomo himself must answer now;

• Governor Cuomo, why were these sexual harassment and workplace violence accusations against Jay Kiyonaga kept quiet from the public to only surface now, two months after the fact?

• Governor Cuomo, why was Jay Kiyonaga subsequently promoted to a top administration position within the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), which is rampant with sexual abuse and highly staffed by women?

• Governor Cuomo, why was Jay Kiyonaga not fired long ago when allegations of his involvement in covering up sexual assaults and rapes of staggering numbers of people with developmental disabilities were brought to your direct attention?

• Governor Cuomo, why is it that you claim that you are a champion for women’s rights and you have allowed the retaliation against Miss Gunning after she overcame her fears to report Mr. Kiyonaga?

• Governor Cuomo, why are you not taking decisive actions to address sexual harassment or sexual abuse of the disabled in New York State?

• Governor Cuomo, why are you not moving to take significant actions by law to prevent and stop the wide-scale sexual abuse and rapes of people with disabilities and mental illness within your own agencies?

• Governor Cuomo, why are you not putting measures in place to protect and assist whistle-blowers reporting sexual abuse or any type of abuse, neglect or fraud?

• Governor Cuomo, why are you ignoring the clear dangers surrounding sexual harassment, sexual abuse and the cover-ups that endanger women and obviously any vulnerable person?

• Governor Cuomo, why are you silent on this sexual harassment and sexual abuse when the topic of sexual harassment is in the national spotlight?

• Governor Cuomo, are not other women or vulnerable people in harm’s way and danger if sexual predators of any kind are protected and shielded from firing and prosecution?

• Governor Cuomo, how can you promote Jay Kiyonaga after most reported sexual assaults and rapes of the disabled within the agency he headed internally were covered-up and purposefully kept from local police and County Elected District Attorney’s?

• Governor Cuomo, why have you not fired Jay Kiyonaga from State employment after a whirlwind of allegations of sexual assault cover-ups, as well as allegations of sexual harassment and workplace violence?

• Governor Cuomo, why the extreme silence?

Following the NY Post story regarding allegations of sexual harassment by Jay Kiyonaga another top State official and ally of Governor Cuomo resigned after allegations surfaced. This news story titled, “LANGWORTHY QUESTIONS GOVERNOR'S KNOWLEDGE OF HOYT SETTLEMENT” is extremely powerful because the Governor must have close knowledge and possible involvement in these cases
http://www.spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/buffalo/top-stories/2017/11/02/langworthy-questions-governor-s-knowledge-of-hoyt-settlement- . These additional news stories also raise questions regarding what Governor Cuomo knew and what was he possibly involved in, maybe this is the reason for the overwhelming silence from the governor? http://www.wgrz.com/news/local/hoyts-departure-continues-to-raise-questions/488131188 The Buffalo News story titled, “State offers no answers to questions surrounding Hoyt departure” speaks volumes http://buffalonews.com/2017/11/01/state-offers-no-answers-to-questions-surrounding-hoyt-departure/ .

Governor Andrew Cuomo must personally answer the questions about Jay Kiyonaga, as well as these ones the Buffalo News is asking him about Sam Hoyt;

• “Why did Hoyt's boss, Howard A. Zemsky, applaud Hoyt’s record when investigations were under way over allegations that Hoyt had sexually harassed a state employee?”

• “Why did Hoyt, a close official and political operative of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, “separate from state service” at the Empire State Development Corp. only this week when a probe of his romantic relationship with the a fellow state employee began months ago?”

• “Were Hoyt's superiors aware of a $50,000 settlement that he paid the state employee in return for her silence and a promise to not seek legal recourse?”

Sexual harassment is a huge problem and there should be zero tolerance for any of this type of behavior in the workplace or any facility or group home caring for people with disabilities, but I believe everyone would agree that sexual abuse and rape or being involved in covering up sexual abuse and rapes are far worse.

Governor Cuomo, you are the Governor of New York State and these are severe problems within New York State and within your agencies that directly endanger the safety and health of countless women and vulnerable people with disabilities. Governor, you must take immediate and decisive actions to stop all sexual harassment, sexual abuse of the disabled in your agencies and the keeping of these crimes from local independent authorities.

No longer can 911 and local police be bypassed. 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all sexual abuse. If you agree please go to the Jonathan Carey Foundation website and sign 911 Petition and please consider helping us with a donation http://jonathancareyfoundation.org/donate/ .

Michael Carey
email us here

The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers

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