NY Gov. Cuomo Blocks Historic 911 Civil Rights Bill for the Disabled

Jonathan Carey "Champion for the Disabled" Born September 12,1993 Killed by caregivers on February 15,2007

Governor Cuomo ignored the equal rights, safety and lives of people with disabilities and he ignored the will of the people to pass the 911 Civil Rights bill

Governor Cuomo, I hope you know that you did the exact opposite of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have done for people with disabilities.”
— Michael Carey
DELMAR, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, June 22, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ -- A historic 911 Civil Rights bill was on the brink of passage, but instead Governor Cuomo blocked it from being voted on with the assistance of the State’s mental health agencies under his control and others tied into the money stream. Why would Governor Cuomo do such a thing, he and the New York State legislature as a whole finally had the opportunity to rectify decades of injustices and egregious discrimination of people with disabilities that live outside of the family homes in care facilities and group homes? The answer is quite clear, “this specific group of people” which are, in most cases, individuals that do not vote and are not worth protecting or ensuring their equal rights to 911 services or equal protection of laws.
This critical 911 Civil Rights Bill would easily have passed both the New York State Senate and Assembly, it has three quarters of all of the State legislators in the State signed on to this lifesaving and discrimination ending 911 bill as co-sponsors. The only way Governor Cuomo could protect himself and the horrific things happening in his agencies, he has to keep almost everything from the 911 call systems, that are supposed to be in place for everyone, so that local police and medical first responders are unable to respond and document the injuries, the rapes, the physical assaults, extreme weight loss, drug overdosed residents and deaths. It is all about Governor Cuomo and protecting Governor Cuomo and his fraudulent and corrupt State agency wrongfully titled, the Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs. Fancy name, but this agency is corrupt to the core, burying and literally covering-up or aiding in the cover-ups of thousands of physical and sexual assault crimes, rapes and negligent deaths every year. This agency has been exposed repeatedly by both the AP News https://apnews.com/34c9c059196a4b70bc8ded92d2fbe4b7/9-deaths-no-charges-raise-questions-about-oversight-agency and BuzzFeed News https://www.buzzfeed.com/benhattem/scathing-report-says-ny-agency-is-failing-people-with-disabi?utm_term=.cwy6N9aK4#.gr75BxDwK yet Cuomo brazenly blocks everything possible to rectify the severe systemic problems that to allow the rampant abuse and deaths to continue in staggering scope, 7,800 reports to his abuse hotline for the disabled every month. Yes, there are major systemic failures and problems and the answers are not to hide the severe damages and loss of lives of our most vulnerable and then cook the books to try to give an appearance that everything is fine when it is not.
The historic 911 Civil Rights Bill would simply require those that work with the disabled to call 911 if there is a medical emergency, including a death, significant injuries of a person with a disability or if there was a physical or sexual assault which are crimes. The 911 Civil Rights Bill really is that simple. The fact of the matter is, this 911 bill should not have to be fought for because the 911 emergency call systems were put in place for everyone decades ago. Tragically, people with disabilities have been treated unequally and denied in most circumstances immediately medical and police assistance costing many hundreds their lives every year. Between 11 and 13 deaths of people with disabilities are occurring every day on average throughout New York State’s extremely dangerous and deadly mental health care system and many are due to abuse or neglect http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/nyregion/abused-and-used-series-page.html?_r=0 . The number one known and documented trend leading to what are being called “untimely” deaths of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities is not calling 911. The number two and three known trends are choking deaths and bowel management or deaths because of a person being backed up and not receiving help and dying of sepsis. All these known trends all surround not calling 911 and are really negligent deaths in most cases because they are preventable, if only 911 was called and emergency medical personnel able to help them. Governor Cuomo influenced legislative leaders to not bring the massively supported 911 Civil Rights Bill to the floor for a vote because he knew the bill would have been sent to his desk for signing. Governor Cuomo simply does not want the reporting to go to 911 where it should go, but instead to an agency that he controls. What just happened will ensure that many hundreds of more innocent and extremely vulnerable people with disabilities will tragically die as a direct result of this negligence and gross discrimination if not turned around swiftly. This deadly discrimination and gross injustice must be stopped.
It is amazing how Governor Cuomo claims that he is for equal rights and justice. That may be true for specific groups of people that he feels are worthy of equal rights or justice, but not currently for people with disabilities. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. if still alive today would not only be outraged at such discrimination that still continues in New York State to date, but he would be outraged at such levels of deadly discrimination that affects upwards of 1,000,000 extremely vulnerable children and adults that have a disability of some kind that cannot care for or defend themselves or call 911 for themselves. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” This injustice in New York State of purposefully denying a very large and vulnerable group of people swift 911 medical and police assistance and services is outright evil and it cost my precious son Jonathan and countless others their lives. Governor Cuomo, and many others involved in providing the negligent care and services, just temporarily succeeded in their deadly and discriminatory scheme. God have mercy on them for what they have done that could have spared so many lives. Please view these important links;
I must end with a directly quoted short handwritten note from myself, Michael Carey, to Governor Cuomo that was hand delivered to him yesterday at the Capital in Albany following the news that the 911 Civil Rights was successfully negotiated by the Governor to not come to the floor for votes on the last day of session. “Governor Cuomo, I hope you know that you did the exact opposite of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have done for people with disabilities. You successfully blocked the most important Civil Rights Bill for the disabled in our State’s history. Many hundreds will die annually as a direct result of your actions & inactions. Michael Carey”

Michael Carey
email us here

The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers

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