Preet Bharara Must Investigate Gov. Cuomo and AG Schneiderman for Covering-Up Deaths

Jonathan Carey "Champion for the Disabled" Born September 12,1993 Killed by caregivers on February 15,2007

Staggering numbers of deaths of people with disabilities are being covered up by the directive of Governor Cuomo with the assistance of AG Schneiderman

Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman are concealing and hiding the criminal cover ups of deaths of people with disabilities.
— Michael Carey
DELMAR, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, September 19, 2016 / -- Governor Cuomo’s wrongfully named Justice Center is a fraudulent whitewash abuse and death hotline which has an agreement with State and private provider agencies to protect them and their employees from litigation. The written “coherent oversight scheme” and “carefully cultivated understanding” the State of New York has with its grossly negligent providers is all about concealing documents and evidence of crimes and deaths. Staggering numbers of deaths of people with disabilities living in residential care facilities and group homes are occurring every year in New York State, on average over 4,000. Extremely large numbers of these deaths are criminally negligent deaths that are being purposefully covered-up.
Governor Cuomo’s Justice Center was set up to continue the cover-ups. The exposed Commission on Quality of Care which has decades of history of covering up almost everything was simply renamed and relocated to give an appearance of reform. This one in the same State agency scheme is to simply keep the vast majority of reported crimes and deaths from all local independent authorities guaranteeing their easy success in covering most of them up. Attorney General Schneiderman with full knowledge of the criminal cover-ups and wide-scale discrimination of the disabled has done nothing to stop these horrific crimes and many of these preventable deaths from happening or the criminal cover-ups. Upwards of 1,000,000 children and adults with disabilities or those struggling with mental illness in New York State are being discriminated against and denied 911 emergency first responder assistance and denied their equal protection of laws. These individuals are being denied the same privileges that all other New York State residents and US Citizens have to immediate 911 emergency medical and police first responder services when they are victims of crimes. This is occurring all the time in State and private residential care facilities and group homes that are widely known to be unsafe and providing substandard care and services. Without question people with disabilities are being denied their 14th Amendment U.S. Constitutional right and NYS Constitutional right to equal protection of laws and are being treated as lower class people deemed unworthy of protecting. People with disabilities civil rights are being violated.
People with disabilities in most cases when they are physically or sexually abused, significantly injured, in medical distress or have died the 911 call systems that were put in place to protect and assist everyone is purposefully bypassed in New York State. All attempts to have Attorney General Eric Schneiderman stop this horrific and deadly discrimination in civil rights against some of our societies most vulnerable since he became the Attorney General in 2011 have gone ignored. For almost 6 full years Attorney General Schneiderman has chosen to protect and shield Governor Cuomo and other top State officials and State agencies involved in some of the most egregious and horrific acts of discrimination and criminal activity in the history of New York State. As 11-12 deaths of people with disabilities are reported daily on average almost all are purposefully never reported to local authorities including Medical Examiners or Coroners and are purposefully not criminally investigated. The sole reason and purpose of this regular practice is to cover-up criminally negligent deaths. Governor Cuomo and Deputy Secretary of Health Paul Francis are currently ensuring that most reported crimes against the disabled and deaths are never criminally investigated and easily disappear. What is occurring in New York States mental health care system is likened to organized crime, but the ones that suffer and are robbed of life, liberty and justice are our most vulnerable disabled and their families. These individuals and their families suffer great hardships to begin with and then to be financially exploited and treated as sub-human beings is unconscionable and wicked. Attorney General Schneiderman has been aware of these criminal cover-ups of deaths, as well as the staggering numbers of physical and sexual assault crimes, and the fact that almost all of them are being covered-up. Attorney General Schneiderman has chosen to protect and shield Governor Cuomo, Deputy Secretary of Health Francis and many other top State officials and criminals directly involved.
New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is looking the other way and treating the disabled differently and without question unequally which is discrimination in civil rights. Attorney General Schneiderman refuses to assist the disabled and continues to look the other way even after more recent investigative reporting pieces by AP News
and BuzzFeed News The discriminatory treatment and horrific care and services provided the disabled in New York State run and privately sub-contracted facilities and group homes is so vast and continues now worse than ever. Attorney General Schneiderman is attempting to protect Governor Cuomo and the State of New York from massive lawsuits, instead of protecting the disabled. The tragic fact is that both Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman could have taken decisive actions to stop the wide-scale discrimination, unequal treatment and criminal cover-ups of deaths and many other crimes against the disabled in 2011 following the award winning New York Times “Abused & Used” investigative reporting series, but they both chose not to. This massive investigative reporting series which started to be released in March of 2011 came out publicly just after Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman took office. The “Abused & Used” series was later to become a runner up for a Pulitzer Prize . Both Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman, as New York State’s top officials, had every opportunity in 2011 and for the last 6 years to finally do what is right and stop the state-wide discrimination and cover-ups, but chose to ignore the disabled and their most basic of equal rights. Many precious people with disabilities, like Jonathan Carey have died and continue to die as a direct result of the purposeful bypassing of the 911call systems. Instead of moving to dramatically protect and ensure the civil rights to 911 emergency medical and police services for the disabled and to stop the staggering numbers of deaths occurring, the safety and rights of the disabled were purposefully ignored. Numerous steps instead were taken by Governor Cuomo to ensure most reported and witnessed crimes, including criminally negligent deaths would be kept from 911 call systems and all local authorities. The ongoing civil rights violations against some of our most vulnerable can and must be stopped now. Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman are concealing and hiding the criminal cover ups of deaths of people with disabilities. Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman are attempting to conceal and hide the horrific damages and staggering numbers of deaths resulting from bypassing 911. Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman are protecting; criminally negligent caregivers, rapists, pedophiles, abusers, people that assault our most vulnerable and grossly negligent State and private providers, they are protecting criminals in most cases instead of the disabled. Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman continue to allow the bypassing local police, the bypassing New York State penal laws, the bypassing of County elected District Attorney’s, the bypassing of Medical Examiners and Coroners and the bypassing of local courts and judges which too is unconscionable and discriminatory. The direct conflict of interest cannot be any greater as the top attorney for New York State, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, which is supposed to protect and ensure the rights of all New Yorkers, legally represents and defends Governor Cuomo and the State officials and agencies involved in the criminal wrongdoing and discrimination in civil rights of the disabled.
Both Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman with full knowledge purposefully continue to allow provider agencies to investigate the deaths occurring in their own facilities . Bypassing local authorities is obstructing justice. As you will see from this State document, the acting Executive Director of Cuomo’s Justice Center abuse and death hotline, Jay Kiyonaga has directed the internal investigations of deaths. Here is the exact quote, “State and private providers should continue to review/investigate deaths in their programs, unless informed otherwise by the Justice Center.”
Attorney General Schneiderman, to date, has ignored many pleas for help for the disabled and he has refused to seek immediate outside federal criminal investigations by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara and outside federal civil rights investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice. As a direct result of Attorney General Schneiderman’s refusal to act, the discrimination and unequal treatment of the disabled, as well as countless injuries, deaths and cover-ups continue in staggering scope day after day. Attorney General Schneiderman continues to look the other way and is attempting to protect Governor Cuomo and many other individuals involved as many other innocent people with disabilities are dying, therefore he too along with Governor Cuomo must be investigated and held accountable by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara and the U.S. Department of Justice.
Stand with us for “equal rights” and “civil rights” for people with disabilities in New York State and throughout our great country by signing our petition at No longer can 911 be bypassed, 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all physical and sexual assaults, gross negligence of care, significant and suspicious injuries and when a person with a disability is in medical distress or has stopped breathing.

Michael Carey
email us here

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