CANADA, August 28 - The provincial government’s Columbia River Treaty team will host a public virtual information session about the recent agreement-in-principle (AIP) reached between Canada and the United States to modernize the Columbia River Treaty.
The virtual information session will be held on Sept. 17, 2024, from 6-7:30 p.m. (Pacific time) and 7-8:30 p.m. (Mountain time). Members of the Canadian negotiation delegation will be on hand during the 90-minute session to provide details about the AIP and answer questions from the public.
Register for the session by visiting the B.C. Columbia River Treaty website. Participants may submit questions in advance to by Sept. 8, 2024.
A new video explaining the AIP is available on the B.C. Columbia River Treaty website. The video describes the different elements in the AIP under the themes of flood-risk management, Canadian flexibility, hydropower and transmission, compensation, and ecosystem health and Indigenous values. The website also includes answers to frequently asked questions about the AIP. More details about the AIP will be posted soon. Those planning to attend the Sept. 17, 2024, info session are encouraged to view the video and read the FAQs in advance of the session.
The AIP, reached in July 2024, provides a clear road map for the Canadian and U.S. negotiation teams to move forward on drafting the renewed treaty, and for B.C. to engage with the Columbia Basin residents about the AIP and next steps. The upcoming virtual session and the materials posted on the website mark the first phase of that engagement process, with community meetings expected to take place toward the end of the year.
Members of the public are encouraged to share feedback, comments and questions about the treaty and the AIP by emailing or by writing to:
Columbia River Treaty Team
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
PO Box 9314 Stn Prov Govt.
V8W 9N1
Learn More:
To register for the session, visit:
To watch a video explaining the AIP, visit: