CANADA, July 5 - Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, has issued the following statement in recognition of National Injury Prevention Day, July 5, 2023:
“Today, on National Injury Prevention Day, we pause to reflect on the significance of promoting safety to prevent injuries in our everyday lives. Injuries can happen on any day, at any time and to anyone. Whether you have been in a car crash or experienced a fall, injuries can seriously affect your health, well-being and ability to work.
“Injuries are a leading cause of death and disability throughout British Columbia. Preventable injury kills more children than any disease, and more youth than all other causes combined. Falls are the leading cause of injury, deaths, hospitalizations, emergency department visits and disabilities. Overall, preventable injuries cost the B.C. economy $4.3 billion in 2018, including $2.7 billion in direct health-care costs.
“Most injuries are preventable, and we all play a part in reducing the frequency and severity of them by becoming aware of risks in everyday life to create safer environments for all.
“By making simple changes to our everyday routines, we can substantially reduce the risk of sustaining injury. For example, driving at safe speeds, not texting while driving, wearing seatbelts, using appropriate car seats for children and using protective gear when playing sports. Older adults can reduce their risk of fall-related injuries by increasing their strength and balance, having an annual medication review and vision assessment, and removing home hazards and/or installing supports, as needed.
“Government has prioritized injury prevention through B.C.’s Injury Prevention Strategy, which focuses on seniors’ fall prevention, protecting vulnerable road users from transport-related injuries and reducing youth suicide and self-harm. Key partners in injury prevention include the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, the BC Centre for Disease Control and B.C.’s health authorities.
“Today, I encourage everyone in B.C. to visit the sites below for greater awareness, to promote safety and prevent injuries in their homes, workplaces and communities. Together, we will build a safer future for all of us.”
Learn More:
To learn more about HealthLink BC, visit:
To learn more about the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, visit:
To learn more about Finding Balance BC, visit:
To learn more about the cost of injuries to B.C.’s economy, visit: