The House Energy and Commerce Committee Can Help Save America’s Forgotten Equines

AEA Photo horses at auction

AEA Photo of horse auction

Every day counts for the slaughter bound horse.

ATLANTA, GEORGIA, UNITED STATES, July 26, 2022 / -- The Save America’s Forgotten Equines Act of 2021, the SAFE Act, was introduced in the House of Representatives on May 19, 2021. This bill prohibits the transporting, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation by a person of an equine (e.g., horse) that the person has reason to believe will be slaughtered for human consumption.

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce held a session to consider and mark-up the bill on June 23, 2022. The SAFE Act, H.R. 3355, was amended and forwarded to the Full Committee after a Voice Vote. The bill remains in the Full Committee.

It will be put on a calendar to be debated or amended and voted on in the House of Representatives if it’s released by the Committee. Supporters of the legislation across the country are hopeful the bill will pass to the full House of Representatives for a vote soon.

The bill will then move to the Senate if the S.A.F.E. Act passes in the House by a simple majority of 218 of 435 votes. The House bill has enough co-sponsors to meet the simple majority requirement and move forward.

Horses and donkeys continue to be at risk until Congress passes legislation to end transporting equines to Canadian or Mexican slaughter plants for human consumption.

Should life circumstances arise that create a need to find a new home for the family horse or donkey, it’s possible the equine companion could fall into the hands of a kill buyer.

They could transport the horse to a foreign slaughter facility without the owner’s knowledge. All wild and domestic horses are at risk of ending up in horse kill pens or at auctions attended by slaughter buyers.

It’s been said every horse in America is potentially just one sale away from an equine kill buyer. The Save America’s Forgotten Equines Act will protect horses and donkeys.

This excerpt is from the Karuna Horse Rescue website listed in the kill pen link above. “The reality is that many well-meaning, and yes, not not-so-well-meaning horse owners have no idea about the actual fate that awaits their horse in the transit system. Out of sight, out of mind. The transit system includes kill pens, which hold masses of horses in cramped, unhealthy and under kept conditions until they can be auctioned for slaughter. The horse's last moments are filled with terror and pain and abandonment.”

Individuals who are unfamiliar with this issue can learn more on the Animals’ Angels website. Their organization’s site explains the chain of events for America’s slaughter bound horses once they are purchased by kill buyers.

Members of the public can help protect America’s horses. Lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee can be contacted. Callers can ask these lawmakers to support the Save America’s Forgotten Equines Act and bring the bill to a Full House vote.

Readers may use this link to view the members and find his or her contact information. Tap their photos to be directed to their profile and phone numbers. Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. of New Jersey (06) is the Committee Chairman. It only takes a few minutes to make the call and help American horses and donkeys.

Donna Brorein, Advocacy News
American Equine Awareness
+1 770-870-7589
email us here