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Babies And Butterflies

Babies and Butterflies is the result of wanting to share the precious photos of the babies and children who have passed through my life, t

With a love for photography, she had the privilege to have twenty-six of her photos of the neonatal babies hang on the walls during the last ten years of her time in the NICU.”
— Barbara Weishuhn

GUADALAJARA, JA, MEXICO, November 30, 2021 / -- Barbara Weishuhn’s Babies and Butterflies is an adorable and equally inspiring photo book that features infants and certain species of butterflies. Published by Authors Press, the book is an outpouring of the author’s need to share precious photographs of babies and children who were under her care over the decades.

Barbara is a retired licensed practical nurse with a total of forty-five years in the nursing profession.

She spent thirty-two years of her career caring for infants in the neonatal intensive care unit in Saginaw, Michigan. With a love for photography, she had the privilege to have twenty-six of her photos of the neonatal babies hang on the walls during the last ten years of her time in the NICU. Barbara believes that butterflies represent hope and new life; this belief has sustained the author in overcoming numerous obstacles in her personal life. To a certain extent, butterflies represent a journey’s end; a blossoming at the end of a transformation. The book speaks of crucial things in life: the hope of new beginnings and the endless possibilities of the future.

Barabara encourages her readers to pursue joy. One of the photos featured in the book makes use of a quote attributed to Henry David Thoreau: “Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.”

Babies and Butterflies
Written by Barbara Weishuhn
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