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Ebola Outbreak Map. Com Trademark and website available for purchase

Ebola Outbreak Map

Ebola Outbreak Map

Ebola Outbreak Map. Com tracks Ebola Virus. Ebola Outbreak Map trademark and website is available for purchase to all interested parties.

ATLANTA, GA, UNITED STATES, April 4, 2019 / -- Ebola Outbreak Map. Com registered trademark and website is being offered for sale to all interested parties.

Ebola Outbreak Map tracks the spread of Ebola Virus.

The Ebola outbreak in Africa this month is the second largest Ebola outbreak in history currently ongoing in Africa, Ebola Outbreak Map would like to offer our trademark and website for purchase to all interested parties.

The head of the CDC said, The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo is not under control and could continue for another year, Dr. Robert R. Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview.

Currently Kentucky is monitoring migrants from the Ebola outbreak area in Africa that arrived in Kentucky. Ebola Outbreak Map tracks all known Ebola Virus locations and locations were Ebola Virus is being monitored at.

We have been featured on numerous radio talk shows stations such as Caravan to midnight with John B. Wells, Glenn Beck The Blaze Radio, and Sirius XM Radio and online news articles, if you would like for us to be a guest on your radio station you may contact us to book us to be your guest.

Ebola Outbreak Map. Com lists all known Ebola outbreak locations and Ebola monitoring locations. We do not claim to be doctors or medical professionals. Ebola information you find on our website is to be used so you can be informed about the current outbreak of Ebola Virus.

Ebola Outbreak Map ® is registered under the Federal Trademark Act of 1946 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Any unauthorized use, publication or infringement of this designation without express written permission is prohibited. Such violation is subject to liability for damages, injunctive relief, attorney’s fees and other penalties, civil and criminal. The Trademark and Licensing can be purchased. Interest parties may submit their requests via email:

contact us

jacob joseph
Ebola Outbreak Map
+1 321-693-6520
email us here

Ebola Outbreak Map