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Archeologist Sir Barry Cunliffe on the Origins of Trade

Archeologist Sir Barry Cunliffe on the Origins of Trade

December 10, 2018

British archeologist Sir Barry Cunliffe, says studying ancient civilizations provides valuable economic insight. (photo: B540/Guillem Lopez/Photoshot/Newscom)

The human instinct to trade goes back thousands of years, and Sir Barry Cunliffe has been digging up evidence of those first steps toward today's globalized world throughout his long career as one of Europe's most highly respected archeologists. Sir Cunliffe is an Emeritus professor at Oxford University and a Commissioner of English Heritage. He was invited to speak to economists as part of the IMF Futurist Series, designed to bring outside views to the Fund and spark new ideas. In this podcast, Sir Barry Cunliffe says cultural and economic values should be one and the same.

His latest book By Steppe, Desert, and Ocean is published by Oxford University Press.

Sir Barry Cunliffe is an Emeritus professor at Oxford University and served as President of the Society of Antiquaries, Governor of the Museum of London, and a trustee of the British Museum. He received a knighthood in 2006.