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Flora Parekh of Gift of Life USA to be Featured on CUTV News Radio

RONKONKOMA, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, June 27, 2018 / -- For individuals with special needs, there remains a stigma in terms of social acceptance. That stigma continues to hold these children back.

These individuals may lack certain skills, but they have others. When given the opportunity to unleash their talent, people are amazed and moved to tears.

Flora Parekh is the Founder and President of Gift of Life USA, a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the specially-abled (the physically and mentally challenged) in the areas of health, education and social awareness.

With the mission to generate efficient resources to support the specially-abled through advocacy and education, the organization conducts various programs and activities in benefit of the differentlyabled community, namely “Save a Child” Support, We are Special” Talent & Skill Recognition, “Health & Education”, “Awareness” and many more. Along with their annual programs, this year's Gala focuses on higher education scholarship support for autistic/special needs.

Through fundraising, advocacy, education and generating effective resources, Gift of Life USA’s vision is for their beneficiaries to be self-reliant individuals with growing acceptance within their community, and among their friends and families.

“We support their journey from childhood through adolescence in any area that we can,” says Flora. “Beneficiaries reach out to us and we also search for the right beneficiaries. Between our relationships with entrepreneurs and the special needs community, we're perfect advocates. We're connecting so many dots at such a fast pace.”

Rather than reach out to the organizations and generating funds for them, Gift of Life USA reaches out to individual families and brings everyone together. In fact, their beneficiaries are present and perform at their Annual Gala. The annual Gala showcases exceptional inspiring talent of special needs individuals - performers, speakers, entrepreneurs.

“The model that we are working off of is people have to see where their money is going,” says Flora. “People need to see who and what they are supporting so they can be confident their money is going to the right places. Our supporters are multiplying each year. We have a good retention rate for donors. In those terms, we feel the model works extremely well.”

Flora says she uses the word special because none of us are perfect. Just like anyone, if you don't ask for help, you don't get it. There are so many resources available for all of us to continue exploring.

“I'm proud of the passion that the individuals who have been supporting the organizations have,” says Flora. “It comes from the heart. Every single person who has donated money, time, knowledge or experience have done it from the heart. People who have been with us since day one are still here and they love what they do. And we love what we do together.”

CUTV News Radio will feature Flora Parekh in an interview with Doug Llewelyn on June 29th at 1pm EDT.

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio.

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