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Chinook Energy Inc. Announces Its Unaudited 2017 Year End Results and Reserves

CALGARY, Alberta, Feb. 13, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chinook Energy Inc. ("Chinook" or the "Company") (TSX:CKE) today announced its unaudited 2017 year end results and the results of its year end reserve evaluation effective December 31, 2017 as prepared by its independent evaluator. 

Chinook's audit of its 2017 annual consolidated financial statements is not yet complete and accordingly all financial amounts referred to in this news release are unaudited and represent management's estimates.  Readers are advised that these financial estimates are subject to audit and may be subject to change as a result.


  • Proved producing reserves increased 47% year over year.
  • Total proved reserves increased 26% year over year, additions replaced 412% of production and the all-in FD&A costs were $6.04/boe.
  • Total proved plus probable reserves increased 28% year over year, additions replaced 694% of production and the all-in FD&A costs were $5.26/boe.
  • FD&A includes $11.5 million net to Chinook for the expansion of the Birley Compressor Station from 25 mmcf/d to 50 mmcf/d.
  • PV10 values for proved producing, total proved and total proved plus probable reserves increased 63%, 25% and 21% respectively, notwithstanding an average 22% reduction to forecasted five year BC Plantgate gas prices.

Unaudited 2017 Year-End Results

Chinook's average daily production for 2017 was 3,425 boe/d. Chinook’s average production for the fourth quarter of 2017 was 3,779 boe/d and the Company exited 2017 at approximately 3,572 boe/d as calculated from December 31, 2017 to January 10, 2018, with peak production of 5,170 boe/d on December 24, 2017.  Projected adjusted funds flow for Chinook for 2017 is estimated at $4.98 million or $0.02 per weighted average basic common share outstanding. Chinook exited 2017 with an approximate $0.7 million in working capital deficit.

During 2017, Chinook focused on the development of its Montney acreage at Birley/Umbach in northeastern British Columbia and the continued rationalization of its asset base. During the second quarter of 2017, Chinook drilled four (3.63 net) horizontal wells on its Birley/Umbach properties which were completed and brought on-stream during the third and fourth quarters of 2017. Late in the fourth quarter of 2017, Chinook completed the expansion of its compression facility at Birley which increased in capacity from 25 mmcf/d to 50 mmcf/d of raw natural gas. During 2017, Chinook completed the sale of certain of its petroleum and natural gas properties including undeveloped lands located in the Knopcik/Pipestone and East Gold Creek areas of northwestern Alberta for net proceeds of $17.8 million after customary adjustments. At December 31, 2016, these properties were classified as held for sale.

2017 Independent Reserves Evaluation

McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd. ("McDaniel") evaluated all of Chinook's properties effective December 31, 2017 pursuant to a report dated February 13, 2018 (the "McDaniel Report").  The independent reserve evaluation was prepared in accordance with the definitions, standards and procedures contained in the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook ("COGE Handbook") and National Instrument 51-101 ("NI 51-101").  The reserve evaluation was based on McDaniel's forecast pricing and foreign exchange rates at December 31, 2017.  The Reserves, Safety and Environmental Committee of the Board and the Board of Directors of Chinook have reviewed and approved the McDaniel Report. 

Reserves included herein are stated on a Company gross basis (working interest before deduction of royalties and without including any royalty interests) unless noted otherwise.  This news release contains several cautionary statements that are specifically required by NI 51-101 under the heading "Reader Advisory" and throughout the release.  In addition to the information contained in this news release more detailed reserves information will be included in Chinook's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2017, which will be filed on SEDAR at in March 2018. Values in the following tables may not add due to rounding.

Reserves Breakdown (Company gross) (1)
(December 31, 2017, McDaniel price forecast)

(mboe) 2017 2016
Proved Producing    
Total proved producing 8,101 5,493
Total proved 18,646 14,746
Proved Plus Probable    
Total proved plus probable   33,910 26,488

(1)  Gross reserves are the Company's working interest reserves before royalty deductions and do not include royalty interest volumes.

Company Gross and Net Reserves as at December 31, 2017

The following table summarizes the Company's gross and net reserve volumes utilizing McDaniel's forecast pricing and cost estimates at December 31, 2017.

      Light and
medium oil
    Heavy oil
Natural Gas
    Natural gas
    Oil equivalent
Reserves category
Gross (1)
Net (2)

Gross (1)

Net (2)

Gross (1)
Net (2)

Gross (1)
Net (2)

Gross (1)
Net (2)
Total company                              
  Developed producing   6 6   - -   41,786 36,582   1,130 954   8,101 7,056
  Developed non-producing   7 6   - -   1,473 1,301   46 37   298 260
  Undeveloped   - -   - -   52,242 44,060   1,540 1,309   10,247 8,652
Total proved   13 12   - -   95,502 81,942   2,716 2,299   18,646 15,968
Probable   6 6   - -   78,500 63,264   2,175 1,780   15,264 12,330
Total proved plus probable   19 17   - -   174,002 145,206   4,891 4,079   33,910 28,298

(1)  Gross reserves are the Company's working interest reserves before royalty deductions and do not include royalty interest volumes.
(2)  Net reserves are after royalty deductions and include royalty interest volumes.

Company Gross Reserve Reconciliation for 2017
(Company gross reserves before deduction of royalties payable)

    6:1 Oil Equivalent (mboe)
    Total Proved   Probable
  Proved Plus
December 31, 2016 – opening balance     14,746     11,743     26,488  
Additions and extensions     5,128      4,216     9,344  
Acquisitions     -     -     -  
Dispositions     (114 )   (16 )   (129 )
Technical revisions   236   (578 )   (341 )
Economic factors   (100 ) (101 )   (201 )
Production   (1,250
) -   (1,250 )
December 31, 2017 – closing balance   18,646
  15,264   33,910  

During 2017, Chinook completed the aforementioned dispositions in the Knopcik/Pipestone and East Gold Creek areas of northwestern Alberta for net proceeds of $17.8 million after customary adjustments.  These dispositions represented the entirety of the proved plus probable reserve reductions of approximately 129 mboe.

Year over year, McDaniel recorded minor net positive proved technical revisions of approximately 236 mboe and net negative technical revisions of 341 mboe on a proved plus probable reserves basis related to performance.

Of particular note, Chinook added a total of 9.3 mmboe on a proved plus probable basis.  The additions are focused in the Company's core Montney area of Birley/Umbach, British Columbia and include four (3.6 net) proved producing wells, six (4.6 net) proved undeveloped locations and four (3.0 net) probable additional undeveloped locations.  At December 31, 2017, in addition to the 13 (11.3 net) proved developed producing wells, McDaniel recognized a total of 33 undeveloped locations, 19 (16.1 net) proved undeveloped locations and 14 (11.3 net) probable undeveloped locations.  As at the date of the McDaniel Report, approximately 18% of Chinook's greater Birley/Umbach Montney acreage was booked.

Reserve Life Index ("RLI")

As at December 31, 2017, Chinook's proved plus probable RLI was 17.0 years based upon the McDaniel Report and the forecast 2018 production volumes from the report, while Chinook's proved RLI was 9.6 years. The following table summarizes the RLI:

Reserves (mboe)     18,646
2018 Forecast production - Proved (mboe) (1)     1,947
Reserve life index (years)     9.6
Proved Plus Probable      
Reserves (mboe)     33,910
2018 Forecast production – Proved Plus Probable (mboe) (1)     1,999
Reserve Life Index (years)     17.0

(1) As evaluated by an independent reserve evaluator as at December 31, 2017.

Net Present Value ("NPV") Summary (before tax) as at December 31, 2017
(December 31, 2017, McDaniel price forecast)

Benchmark commodity prices used are adjusted for the quality of the commodities produced and for transportation costs.  The calculated NPVs include a deduction for estimated future well abandonment and reclamation but do not include a provision for interest, debt service charges and general and administrative expenses.  It should not be assumed that the NPV estimates represent the fair market value of the reserves.

($ thousands) Undiscounted Discounted at
Discounted at
  Discounted at
Discounted at
Proved developed producing 54,279 48,906 43,995 39,940 36,638
Proved developed non-producing 3,945 3,123 2,538 2,120 1,815
Total proved developed 58,224 52,028 46,533 42,060 38,453
Proved undeveloped 77,505 52,089 35,532 24,389 16,634
Total proved 135,729 104,118 82,064 66,449 55,087
Probable additional 189,973 112,681 72,143 49,075 34,963
Total proved plus probable 325,702 216,798 154,207 115,524 90,050

Net Present Value Summary (after tax) as at December 31, 2017
(December 31, 2017, McDaniel price forecast)

($ thousands) Undiscounted Discounted at
Discounted at
  Discounted at
Discounted at
Proved developed producing 54,279 48,906 43,995 39,940 36,638
Proved developed non-producing 3,945 3,123 2,538 2,120 1,815
Total proved developed 58,224 52,028 46,533 42,060 38,453
Proved undeveloped 77,505 52,089 35,532 24,389 16,634
Total proved 135,729 104,118 82,064 66,449 55,087
Probable additional 189,973 112,681 72,143 49,075 34,963
Total proved plus probable 325,702 216,798 154,207 115,524 90,050

McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd. Price Forecast as at December 31, 2017 (1)

Crude Oil
Crude Oil
Henry Hub
Natural Gas
Natural Gas
Plantgate Gas
and Natural


2018 58.50 70.10 3.00 2.25 1.65 73.10 8.20 40.60 51.40 0.790
2019 58.70 71.30 3.05 2.65 2.15 74.40 9.80 38.10 52.20 0.790
2020 62.40 74.90 3.25 3.05 2.55 78.00 11.40 33.20 54.90 0.800
2021 69.00 80.50 3.55 3.40 3.00 83.70 12.80 34.30 59.00 0.825
2022 73.10 82.80 3.80 3.60 3.20 86.00 13.60 32.10 60.70 0.850
Average 64.34 75.92 3.33 2.99 2.51 79.04 11.16 35.66 55.64 0.811

(1) Prices escalate at two percent per year after 2022.

The above pricing table was utilized by McDaniel in its evaluation of Chinook’s reserves as at December 31, 2017. When compared to the December 31, 2016 price forecast, commodity pricing for the year 2018 has decreased for Edmonton Light Crude Oil, AECO Natural Gas and British Columbia Average Plantgate Gas by 4%, 29% and 38%, respectively. The longer term price forecast decreased on average over the following 10 years for the same commodities by 6%, 13% and 15%, respectively.

Future Development Costs ("FDC")

Changes in forecast FDC occur annually as a result of development activities, acquisition and disposition activities and capital cost estimates that reflect the independent evaluator's best estimate of what it will cost to bring the proved undeveloped and probable reserves on production using forecast prices and costs.

 ($ millions)  
  2017 2016
Total proved 83.7 74.2
Total proved plus probable 139.1 115.1

Finding and Development Costs ("F&D")

Finding and development costs below are calculated as the Exploration and Development costs excluding the acquisitions, dispositions and abandonments plus the change in undiscounted FDC excluding that FDC associated with acquisitions and dispositions, divided by the reserve additions excluding acquisition and divestiture. Chinook's F&D costs, net of acquisition, disposition and abandonments, which indicates the capital spent per barrel of oil equivalent added, net of acquisition and disposition changes in volume, are below. 

Total Finding and Development Costs (Proved Reserves)
($ thousands, except per unit amounts)
2017 2016 2015 Three-Year
Exploration and development costs excluding acquisitions, dispositions and
abandonments (unaudited) (1)
39,405 7,465 44,281   91,151
Net change from previously allocated future development capital 9,501 22,102 25,618   57,221
Total exploration and development costs including the net change in FDC   48,906   29,567   69,899   148,372
Reserve additions excluding acquisitions and dispositions (mboe)   5,264   4,449   4,732   14,445
Total proved finding and development costs (per boe)   9.29   6.65   14.77   10.27

Total Finding and Development Costs (Proved plus Probable Reserves)
($ thousands, except per unit amounts)
2017 2016 2015 Three-Year
Exploration and development costs excluding acquisitions, dispositions and
abandonments (unaudited) (1)
39,405 7,465 44,281   91,151
Net change from previously allocated future development capital 23,995 35,391 30,530   89,916
Total exploration and development costs including the net change in FDC   63,399   42,856   74,811   181,066
Reserve additions excluding acquisitions and dispositions (mboe)   8,801   9,006   7,474   25,281
Total proved plus probable finding and development costs (per boe)   7.20   4.76   10.01   7.16

(1)  Excludes non-cash costs, including decommissioning liabilities.

Chinook's F&D costs, including acquisition, disposition and abandonments, which indicates the capital spent per barrel of oil equivalent added, including acquisition and disposition changes in volume, are below. 

Total Finding and Development Costs (Proved Reserves)
($ thousands, except per unit amounts)
2017 2016   2015 Three-Year
Exploration and development costs including acquisitions, dispositions and
abandonments (unaudited) (1)
21,616 3,345   6,477   31,439
Net change from previously allocated future development capital 9,501 12,400   19,178   41,079
Total exploration and development costs including the net change in FDC   31,117   15,745     25,656   72,518
Reserve additions including acquisitions and dispositions (mboe)   5,150   (3,076 )   3,293   5,367
Total proved finding and development costs (per boe)   6.04   (5.12 )   7.79   13.51

Total Finding and Development Costs (Proved plus Probable Reserves)
($ thousands, except per unit amounts)
2017 2016   2015 Three-Year
Exploration and development costs including acquisitions, dispositions and
abandonments (unaudited) (1)
21,616 3,345   6,477   31,439
Net change from previously allocated future development capital 23,995 20,095   24,054   68,143
Total exploration and development costs including the net change in FDC   45,611   23,440     30,532   99,582
Reserve additions including acquisitions and dispositions (mboe)   8,672   (2,786 )   5,308   11,194
Total proved plus probable finding and development costs (per boe)   5.26   (8.41 )   5.75   8.90

(1)  Excludes non-cash costs, including decommissioning liabilities.

Total exploration and development costs incurred in the most recent financial year and the change during that year in estimated future development costs, generally will not reflect the total cost of reserve additions in that year.

­Recycle Ratio

The recycle ratios are calculated as the 2017 operating netback before commodity price contracts per boe divided by the 2017 F&D costs per boe set forth above. The recycle ratio is comparing the netback as reported by the Company for 2017 to the cost of finding new reserves in 2017.

Total Proved        
2017 operating netback before commodity price contracts ($/boe)     8.45
2017 F&D costs net of acquisition, dispositions and abandonments ($/boe) (unaudited)     9.29
Recycle ratio       0.9x
Total Proved Plus Probable        
2017 operating netback before commodity price contracts ($/boe)     8.45
2017 F&D costs net of acquisition, dispositions and abandonments ($/boe) (unaudited)       7.20
Recycle ratio       1.2x

Total Proved        
2017 operating netback before commodity price contracts ($/boe)     8.45
2017 F&D costs incl. acquisition, dispositions and abandonments ($/boe) (unaudited)     6.04
Recycle ratio       1.4x
Total Proved Plus Probable        
2017 operating netback before commodity price contracts ($/boe)     8.45
2017 F&D costs incl. acquisition, dispositions and abandonments ($/boe) (unaudited)       5.26
Recycle ratio       1.6x

Corporate Net Asset Value

The Company's net asset value as of December 31, 2017 is detailed in the following table.  This net asset value determination is a "point-in-time" measurement and does not take into account the possibility of Chinook being able to recognize additional reserves through successful future capital investment in its existing properties beyond those included in the McDaniel Report.

December 31, 2017 Before Tax NPV 5% Before Tax NPV 10% Before Tax NPV 15%
  ($ thousands) $/share ($ thousands) $/share ($ thousands) $/share
Proved developed producing reserves NPV (1)(2) 48,906   0.22 43,995   0.20 39,940   0.18
Total proved reserves NPV (1)(2) 104,118   0.47 82,064   0.37 66,449   0.30
Proved plus probable reserves NPV (1)(2) 216,798   0.97 154,207   0.69 115,524   0.52
Undeveloped acreage (3) 33,922   0.15 33,922   0.15 33,922   0.15
Working capital deficit (4) (712 ) - (712 ) - (712 ) -
Net asset value (basic) (5)(6) 250,008   1.12 187,417   0.84 148,734   0.67
  After Tax NPV 5% After Tax NPV 10% After Tax NPV 15%
  ($ thousands) $/share ($ thousands) $/share ($ thousands) $/share
Proved developed producing reserves NPV (1)(2) 48,906   0.22 43,995   0.20 39,940   0.18
Total proved reserves NPV (1)(2) 104,118   0.47 82,064   0.37 66,449   0.30
Proved plus probable reserves NPV (1)(2) 216,798   0.97 154,207   0.69 115,524   0.52
Undeveloped acreage (3) 33,922   0.15 33,922   0.15 33,922   0.15
Working capital deficit (4) (712 ) - (712 ) - (712 ) -
Net asset value (basic) (5)(6) 250,008   1.12 187,417   0.84 148,734   0.67

(1)  Evaluated by the independent reserve evaluator as at December 31, 2017. Net present value of future net revenue does not represent the fair market value of the reserves.
(2)  Net present values for before and after tax are based on McDaniel's December 31, 2017 price forecast.
(3)  Undeveloped land value has been valued internally by Chinook at an average of $392 per acre over 86,643 net undeveloped acres.
(4)  Working capital deficit as at December 31, 2017, including positive working capital (estimated and unaudited). See "Working Capital Deficit" in the Reader Advisory below.
(5)  Net asset value is the sum of proved plus probable reserves, undeveloped acreage and working capital deficit.
(6)  Basic shares as at December 31, 2017 totaled 223,564,601 common shares.

About Chinook Energy Inc.

Chinook is a Calgary-based public oil and natural gas exploration and development company which is focused on realizing per share growth from its large contiguous Montney liquids-rich natural gas position at Birley/Umbach, British Columbia.

For further information please contact:

Walter Vrataric                                                                  Jason Dranchuk
President and Chief Executive Officer                              Vice-President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Chinook Energy Inc.                                                         Chinook Energy Inc.
Telephone: (403) 261-6883                                              Telephone: (403) 261-6883

Reader Advisory


Oil and Natural Gas Liquids   Natural Gas
bbl barrel   mmcf/d million cubic feet per day
bbls barrels   mmbtu million British Thermal Units
bbls/d barrels per day      
mbbl thousand barrels      
NGLs natural gas liquids      
mcf thousand cubic feet      
mmcf million cubic feet      

boe   barrel of oil equivalent on the basis of 6 mcf/1 boe for natural gas and 1 bbl/1 boe for crude oil and natural gas liquids (this conversion factor is an industry accepted norm and is not based on either energy content or current prices)
boe/d   barrel of oil equivalent per day
mboe   1,000 barrels of oil equivalent
mmboe    1,000,000 barrels of oil equivalent
WTI   West Texas Intermediate, the reference price paid in U.S. dollars at Cushing, Oklahoma for crude oil of standard grade

Oil and Gas Advisory

Reserves are estimated remaining quantities of oil and natural gas and related substance anticipated to be recoverable from known accumulations, as of a given date, based on the analysis of drilling, geological, geophysical and engineering data; the use of established technology, and specified economic conditions, which are generally accepted as being reasonable.  Reserves are classified according to the degree of certainty associated with the estimates as follows:

Proved Reserves are those reserves that can be estimated with a high degree of certainty to be recoverable.  It is likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the estimated proved reserves.

Probable Reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be recovered than proved reserves.  It is equally likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will be greater or less than the sum of the estimated proved plus probable reserves.

The reserves information contained in this news release has been prepared in accordance with NI 51-101.  Complete NI 51-101 reserves disclosure will be included in the Company's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2017 which will be filed on SEDAR in March 2018.  Listed below are cautionary statements applicable to the Company's reserves information that are specifically required by NI 51-1­01:

  • Individual properties may not reflect the same confidence level as estimates of reserves for all properties due to the effects of aggregation.
  • This news release contains estimates of the net present value of the Company's future net revenue from its reserves.  Such amounts do not represent the fair market value of the Company's reserves.

Forward-Looking Statements

In the interest of providing shareholders and potential investors with information regarding Chinook, including management's assessment of the future plans and operations of Chinook, certain statements contained in this news release constitute forward-looking statements or information (collectively "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable securities legislation.  Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as "anticipate", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "forecast", "may", "will", "project", "could", "plan", "intend", "should", "believe", "outlook", "potential", "target" and similar words suggesting future events or future performance.  In addition, statements relating to "reserves" are deemed to be forward-looking statements as they involve the implied assessment, based on certain estimates and assumptions, that the reserves described exist in the quantities predicted or estimated and can be profitably produced in the future.  In particular, this news release contains, without limitation, forward-looking statements pertaining to: estimated cash flows, operational plans and the anticipated timing thereof, the anticipated filing date on SEDAR for the Company's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2017, the volumes and estimated value of Chinook's oil and natural gas reserves, the life of Chinook's reserves, the amount of future development costs associated with producing proved undeveloped and probable reserves, Chinook's recycle ratios, the volume and product mix of Chinook's oil and natural gas production, and future oil and natural gas prices and future results from operations.

With respect to the forward-looking statements contained in this news release, Chinook has made assumptions regarding, among other things: future oil and natural gas prices, future currency, exchange and interest rates, future oil and natural gas production levels, that Chinook will continue to conduct its operations in a manner consistent with past operations,  future capital expenditure levels, Chinook's ability to obtain equipment in a timely manner to carry out development activities, the ability of the operator of the projects in which Chinook has an interest to operate in the field in a safe, efficient and effective manner, the impact of increasing competition, field production rates and decline rates, the ability of Chinook to add production and reserves through development and exploitation activities, certain cost assumptions and the continued availability of adequate debt financing and cash flow to fund its planned expenditures. Although Chinook believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements contained in this news release, and the assumptions on which such forward-looking statements are made, are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements included in this news release, as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which the forward-looking statements are based will occur. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions, known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute to the possibility that predictions, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will not occur, which may cause Chinook's actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any estimates or projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, volatility of commodity prices, currency fluctuations, risks associated with oil and gas exploration, development, exploitation, production, marketing and transportation, loss of markets, imprecision of reserve and resource estimates, environmental risks, competition from other producers, inability to retain drilling rigs and other services, capital expenditure costs, including drilling, completion and facilities costs, unexpected decline rates in wells, delays in projects and/or operations resulting from surface conditions, wells not performing as expected, delays resulting from or inability to obtain the required regulatory approvals and ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources. As a consequence, actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that the forgoing list of factors is not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other factors that could effect Chinook's operations and financial results are included in reports on file with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and may be accessed through the SEDAR website ( and at Chinook's website ( Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as at the date of this news release and Chinook does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

Barrels of Oil Equivalent

Barrels of oil equivalent (boe) is calculated using the conversion factor of 6 mcf (thousand cubic feet) of natural gas being equivalent to one barrel of oil.  Boes may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation.  A boe conversion ratio of 6 mcf:1 bbl (barrel) is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.  Given that the value ratio based on the current price of crude oil as compared to natural gas is significantly different from the energy equivalency of 6:1, utilizing a conversion on a 6:1 basis may be misleading as an indication of value.

Reserve Life Index

The reader is also cautioned that this news release contains the term reserve life index ("RLI"), which is not a recognized measure under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").  Management believes that this measure is a useful supplemental measure of the length of time the reserves would be produced over at the rate used in the calculation.  Readers are cautioned, however, that this measure should not be construed as an alternative to other terms determined in accordance with IFRS as a measure of performance.  Chinook's method of calculating this measure may differ from other companies, and accordingly, they may not be comparable to measures used by other companies.

Finding and Development Costs

The reader is also cautioned that this news release contains the term F&D costs, which is not a recognized measure under IFRS.  Management believes that this measure is a useful supplemental measure of the cost to add reserves in the prior calendar year.  Readers are cautioned, however, that this measure should not be construed as an alternative to other terms determined in accordance with IFRS as a measure of performance.  Chinook's method of calculating this measure may differ from other companies, and accordingly, they may not be comparable to measures used by other companies.

Recycle Ratio

The reader is also cautioned that this news release contains the term recycle ratio, which is not a recognized measure under IFRS. Management believes that this measure is a useful supplemental measure of the projected investment efficiency of Chinook's 2017 capital program.  Readers are cautioned, however, that this measure should not be construed as an alternative to other terms determined in accordance with IFRS as a measure of performance. Chinook's method of calculating this measure may differ from other companies, and accordingly, they may not be comparable to measures used by other companies.

Adjusted Funds Flow (Outflow)

The reader is also cautioned that this news release contains the term adjusted funds flow (outflow), which is not a recognized measure under IFRS and is calculated from cash flow from continuing operations adjusted for changes in non-cash working capital, transaction costs, severance costs, onerous contracts, provision expenditures and exploration expenses. Management believes that adjusted funds flow (outflow) is a key measure to assess the ability of Chinook to finance capital expenditures and debt repayments. Readers are cautioned, however, that this measure should not be construed as an alternative to other terms such as cash flow from operating activities, net income or other measures of financial performance calculated in accordance with IFRS. Chinook's method of calculating this measure may differ from other companies, and accordingly, they may not be comparable to measures used by other companies. We adjust exploration and evaluation expense as we could otherwise capitalize these expenses.

Working Capital Deficit

The reader is cautioned that this news release contains the term working capital deficit, which is not a recognized measure under IFRS and is calculated as bank debt adjusted for working capital excluding mark-to-market derivative contracts, current portion of provisions, deferred customer obligation and assets and liabilities held for sale. Working capital excluding mark-to-market derivative contracts, current portion of provisions, deferred customer obligation and assets and liabilities held for sale is calculated as current assets less current liabilities both of which exclude derivative contracts and assets and liabilities held for sale and current liabilities excludes any current portion of debt, provisions and deferred customer obligations. Management uses working capital deficit to assist them in understanding Chinook's liquidity at specific points in time. Mark-to-market derivative contracts are excluded from working capital deficit, as management intends to hold each contract through to maturity of the contract's term as opposed to liquidating each contract's fair value or less.

Future Oriented Financial Information

This news release, in particular the information in respected of anticipated or projected adjusted funds flow (outflow), recycle ratios and certain components of the calculation of recycle ratios, may contain Future Oriented Financial Information ("FOFI") within the meaning of applicable securities laws.  The FOFI has been prepared by management of the Company to provide an outlook of the Company's activities and results and may not be appropriate for other purposes.  The FOFI has been prepared based on a number of assumptions including the assumptions discussed under the heading "Forward-Looking Statements" and assumptions with respect to production rates and commodity prices.  The actual results of operations of the Company and the resulting financial results may vary from the amounts set forth herein, and such variations may be material.  The Company and its management believe that the FOFI has been prepared on a reasonable basis, reflecting management's best estimates and judgments.

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