Defense Contract Management Agency South recently held its first supervisor summit. The summit was held July 23-25 here. Army Col. Ryan Ocampo, DCMA South commander, hosted the summit, which brought together approximately 50 employees from multiple states.
“We executed our very first DCMA South supervisor summit, which went well,” said Ocampo. “The overall intent was for DCMA South supervisors to embrace the new organizational culture change. During the supervisor brainstorming session, which allowed leaders to identify current and potential issues and the way ahead, it was important for us, as leaders, to discuss topics to make DCMA South an attractive place to work, to recruit and to retain personnel.”
In addition to discussing the organizational changes, the group discussed leadership changes and reviewed various processes and standard operating procedures. The group also discussed supervisor back-to-basics and lead teams in a hybrid work environment discussion, which included a mixture of personnel who come into the office as well as those who telework or are on a remote work status.
Ocampo said the event allowed him to communicate and emphasize his vison for the newly formed DCMA South, which is for the contract management office to “provide insightful contract administration services with an agile, efficient, and informed organizational structure that accurately assesses workload and allocates resources based on urgency and impact to the warfighter.”
During the summit, attendees participated in a variety of workshops. Sherita Crosby, from the Defense Acquisition University, spoke about communicating, teambuilding, engaging and managing change in a new organization. Ocampo gave a Corrective Action Report brief. DCMA South General Counsel personnel provided information about the Hatch Act and additional ethical areas. Other guest speakers represented DCMA Emergency Management, Total Force, the security office, the union, and the Defense Logistics Agency.
The group also incorporated team-building exercises into the agenda, to include a trip to watch a Texas Rangers baseball game at the Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas, July 24.
“Col. Ocampo’s idea to promptly assemble leadership so quickly after the reorg was pivotal,” said Tammy Alexander, chief of DCMA South Mission Support Operations. “Volunteers from the MSO, Contracts and our streamline commands worked in sync to execute the commander’s vision and create an atmosphere that fostered collaboration. In fact, trust was established during the interactive sessions, and we concluded our first supervisor summit as a more cohesive team.”
DCMA South is the consolidation of DCMA Huntsville and DCMA Dallas. It is a reorganization based on DCMA Vision, which is the agency’s strategic plan focused on organizational realignment to better address its customers’ needs through a more streamlined approach. The organization was activated under DCMA General Order FY24-17. A standup ceremony was held in Huntsville, Alabama, June 21. There are two streamlined commands under DCMA South — DCMA Red River and DCMA Tennessee River Valley. DCMA South is headquartered in Huntsville, which is where Ocampo is located.
“The supervisor summit was a resounding success, fostering collaboration and setting a strong foundation for DCMA South,” said Ocampo. “The event not only allowed leaders to align on key objectives and strategies, but also built a sense of camaraderie that will drive our collective efforts moving forward. With clear goals and a shared vision, the team is well-positioned to lead with purpose and navigate the challenges ahead, ensuring a promising future for the organization.”