What do Technical Information Specialists do at CDER?

The duties of a Technical Information Specialist at CDER differ by office. Opportunities may include

  • Advocating and implementing new ways for CDER to use digital media to better accomplish its public health mission.
  • Promoting CDER’s digital media to all the Agency's stakeholders.
  • Overseeing the content design, maintenance, and usability of CDER webpages, web-related projects, and public-accessible databases and apps for the Center.
  • Working with CDER staff to help design, develop content, organize information, create, and publish informational and educational webpages and files. Using a web content management system to create, edit, publish, and manage web content.
  • Working with content owners to identify user-centered design, information architecture, and communication issues on CDER webpages.
  • Representing CDER in interagency web policy activities.
  • Ensuring that documents are in accordance with Section 508 compliance requirements.

How can I find a Technical Information Specialist position at CDER?

Available CDER positions are listed on USAJOBS and under the FDA 21st Century Cures Act Hiring Authority.

  1. Search USAJOBS by Keyword: CDER. You can filter your search by Agency: Food and Drug Administration and Series: 1412 - Technical Information Services.
  2. Visit We Are Hiring | FDA to find a current listing of opportunities utilizing the FDA 21st Century Cures Act Hiring Authority.

Where can I learn more about careers at the FDA?

For general information on working at the FDA and additional employment opportunities, visit: Jobs and Training at FDA.