Mastering the Zodiac Causing Mainstream Astrologists to See Stars with True Sidereal Astrology

According to the company, traditional astrology doesn’t use the actual sky to determine astrological sign and horoscopes.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, March 22, 2023/ -- In a world where astrology is more popular now than ever, Mastering the Zodiac is causing mainstream astrologists to see stars with its true sidereal astrology platform.

Founded 10 years ago, Mastering the Zodiac is a leading online platform for astrology enthusiasts. The platform offers visitors a wide range of astrology information and resources, including charts, readings, courses, software, and much more. The most unique aspect about Mastering the Zodiac is its vast data about true sidereal astrology, which is what the platform is mainly known for.

According to the platform, true sidereal astrology is a unique approach to astrology that uses the actual positions of the stars in the sky, rather than the tropical system used by mainstream astrology. This system allows for a more accurate reading of an individual's birth chart, as it takes into account the shifting positions of the stars over time.

"Most people aren't aware that their astrological sign is not where the Sun was actually in the sky when they were born," says Mastering the Zodiac founder, Athen Chimenti. "Unlike mainstream astrology, true sidereal astrology offers a more precise and accurate reading of an individual's birth chart, which can be incredibly valuable for those seeking guidance and insight into their life journey. For example, mainstream astrology might say someone's Sun is in Leo, while the Sun is actually in the sign of Cancer. True sidereal astrology uses the stars as they truly are in the visible sky."

To help knowledge-seekers gain a better understanding of this game-changing information, Mastering the Zodiac offers two true sidereal astrology programs which are open to astrology enthusiasts of all levels. Free video course previews and outlines can be found on the platform’s website.

For more information about Mastering the Zodiac or to learn more about true sidereal astrology, please visit

About Athen Chimenti

Athen Chimenti is an astrologer, educator, and leading expert in the field of true sidereal astrology. He is dedicated to spreading the word about true sidereal and how powerful it is at bringing clarity and direction to people’s lives.

Over the past 10 years, Athen has helped more than five thousand people from around the world gain clarity through his astrology readings. He has taught more than one hundred astrologers to become professionals in the field and thousands more through
his video courses.

Athen Chimenti
Mastering the Zodiac
+1 360-464-1129