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Actual SEO Media, Inc. Talks About Five Ways Businesses Need to Start Marketing to Their Audiences

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Actual SEO Media, Inc. talks about 5 effective ways businesses can reach out to their audience.

HOUSTON , TEXAS, UNITED STATES, November 11, 2022 / -- In today's day and age, the internet has opened up more doorways for businesses to market to their audience and ways to connect with them. Companies today should use as many ways as possible to connect to their audience.

Audiences love interacting with their favorite celebrities, influencers, and brands. Therefore, the more interaction between a brand and its audience, the better the business can do. However, to talk about how to market to an audience, it is important to quickly discuss what not to do. Knowing what not to do is just as crucial as knowing what to do.

Digital Marketing-What NOT to Do

In the past, many businesses would market their business by creating email lists and newsletters to send to their customers. People would sign up by giving their mailing address or email address, and once or twice a month, a company would send out flyers and other information spreading the word about events, campaigns, and products coming up. Before the internet, some companies would cold call people to advertise their products.

As time goes on, more and more people are moving away from those tactics. It is becoming more apparent that customers do not enjoy telemarketing cold calls. Moreover, those emails and paper letters found their way into the trash. Although, email lists are not inherently bad. Smaller niche companies can have a lot of success because these types of businesses can have a more personal feel to their advertisement than large corporations, which is something consumers are searching for more of.

When advertising, companies must treat their customers like intelligent people and be honest with them. One of the fastest ways a company can ruin its reputation with its target audience is simply not treating the audience with respect. People know when they are being manipulated and pandered to. Therefore, if an audience suspects that a company is not being honest in its intentions and products, audiences today can quickly spread the word to others and stop the company's progress.

In summation, for a company to market successfully to its audience, they must simply be honest, respect the consumers, and personalize the campaign without overloading them with junk mail that will never see the light of day.

5 Ways Businesses Can Connect to Their Audience

Audiences today are looking for companies they can relate to and interact with. They are looking for companies that give the sense they are a local business without actually having to be one.

Audiences also want to feel like they matter to the companies they reach out to. This type of personalization has never been possible before until the internet. With social media sites, public forums, and live-streaming capabilities, audiences can speak with company owners and spokespersons directly.

Watching how celebrities connect with audiences is a great example to follow. Celebrities often reach out to their fans directly and get immediate feedback, and audiences love this. There is more than one way to do this, and it allows for more intimate interactions. Celebrities are extremely successful in this type of marketing, and businesses would do well to follow in their footsteps, which leads directly to the first way businesses can connect to their audience.

Audiences Want To Interact With Brands

There are many different ways brands can create interactive content. The most popular and seemingly successful way is through live streams. CEOs can create Q&A sessions where audiences' needs and concerns can be directly addressed. These sessions can be about a particular product or promoting an event. Livestreaming sessions can be a lot of fun to do, especially for audiences, as it allows many like-minded people to get together and talk about a common interest.

For the live-stream session to be successful, companies will want to promote the session a few weeks in advance. This can give audiences a chance to plan around the event and gather questions they may want to ask. Bigger companies will have larger audiences. It can be challenging to get in as many questions and interactions as possible. Therefore, it is important to make sure the event is long enough to give audiences the attention they deserve.

Create a Place For Conversation and Build Anticipation

With all the different platforms and social sites, there are always places for audiences to communicate, such as the comment sections. Audiences with common interests can discuss their ideas and help build anticipation.

Building anticipation is crucial for companies. Movies and shows will often take this approach, and it can help produce an incredible audience turnout. For instance, movies such as The Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, and Disney's Frozen all were able to build an incredible amount of anticipation with their audiences before the films were even released, and all experienced a great amount of success. Brands can do the same thing with products and services by creating blogs, press releases, and posts regularly.

Video Content Can Service Two Purposes

Creating videos is a great way to reach out to audiences, as millions of people watch videos. Millions of videos are uploaded daily to YouTube, and people of all demographics consume this type of content. Therefore, it is a highly successful route to go. Videos can be informative, educational, and conversational and promote upcoming events and products.

Video links can also help improve a website's SEO to rank higher on Google. Google loves it when websites have videos, and there is a section specifically for video results. Therefore, if someone is searching for a particular keyword, and a brand has a video that relates to that keyword, the brand will have a significantly higher chance of showing up at the top of the search engine results page.

There are some downsides to creating videos. Videos need to be well-made and adhere to the video platform's guidelines. This will take time and patience. While videos can be great no matter what the business is, if not executed properly, they could end up being a waste of valuable resources. For instance, the most successful Youtube channels have high production quality. There is no doubt there is a lot of time and energy being put into planning, filming, and editing. Furthermore, to continue to grow a channel, companies will need to post constantly to keep audiences interested.

If creating a YouTube channel is not within a brand's budget, another route companies can take is video ads that play over top of other videos. Platforms such as Youtube allow for third-party advertisements, and it could prove to be successful for many different brands.

Collaborate With An Influencer

Collaborating with influencers is a marketing strategy that many companies should take advantage of. This type of strategy can have several benefits. One benefit is that it can help smaller companies build a name for themselves. A small business can offer free products to an influencer with a very niche audience and help build interest. For instance, an art supply company may want to promote new watercolor paints they just created. They can find a Youtube artist with a decent following and essentially promote the product.

Likewise, this tactic can be great for testing out a new product with a small group of people. Influencers who are sent free products will often create a "first impressions" video or a review, and many of them will talk about the pros and cons of the product.

Companies can pay a few hundred dollars to an influencer to promote their product to an audience of 1000 or more and get a decent analysis of how the product fairs. This is more cost-effective than paying a celebrity, and the advertising can connect with audiences on a more personal level.

Plain and Simple Content Writing

Sometimes the best solution is the easiest one. Content writing is rewarding and allows companies to explain their products and services in a manner that best suits them. There is no limit to how much content writing a brand can do for its website.

While writing does take a lot of time and effort, there are many companies, such as Actual SEO Media, Inc., that provide content writing services. These services can be as cheap or expensive as a company needs them to be.

Creating keyword articles is great for boosting SEO scores and for audiences who do not like traditional ads, take part in live streams, or interact that much with social media.

Many audiences like searching for things on their own and want to do their own research. Therefore, content writing is a great way to advertise to people without being too obnoxious about it.

As a leading Houston SEO company, Actual SEO Media, Inc. empowers its clients to maximize their digital marketing potential. By harnessing the power of search engine optimization, the company helps businesses expand their online reach and establish a stronger presence on the internet. In addition to SEO, Actual SEO Media, Inc. also specializes in content writing and digital advertising. For more information, contact the office at (832) 834 - 0661 or by email at

Jamin Mootz
Actual SEO Media, Inc.
+1 832-834-0661
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