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Actual SEO Media, Inc.'s Thoughts on Google Search Updates

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Changes are happening to Google Search soon. Read more about how search engine optimization strategies should adapt to them.

HOUSTON, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, October 7, 2022 / -- Everyone knows that Google often makes minute changes to its algorithm almost daily. However, every time a major update affects users and owners alike, it will publicly announce it, so everyone's on the same page. During Google's annual Search On conference, the major company announced seven new features and updates it was making to local searches.

Local search is the process of finding information about a business or service within a specific geographic region. Local results are usually displayed with a map and a list of businesses. The businesses are sorted by proximity to the user's location. For example, if someone searches for "pizza" on Google, a list of nearby pizza places will appear with their address, phone number, and rating.

The seven new Google updates that will roll out soon will enhance and affect how people explore neighborhoods, businesses, and restaurants through Google Search. These significant changes will include the following:

-Search for restaurants by dish
-Discover restaurant specialties
-Increased support for digital menus
-Augments for Google Maps' Live View
-Aerial views of famous landmarks
-Immersive view
-Neighborhood "vibe" checks

Businesses can expect these changes to roll out through the next few weeks and months. It's best to start preparations to take advantage of the relevant changes to make the business more visible to users. Although some of the changes are self-explanatory, Google went into depth on how some will change how searches will work.

1. Searching for Restaurants by Dish

Now, the first update on the menu is a user's ability to search restaurants by specific dishes instead of just the style of food. Instead of searching for "Indian food" or "Asian food" when they're craving a specific dish, they can just search for said dish. For example, a user will soon be able to search for "chicken alfredo near me," and Google will show a list of restaurants in the vicinity that have it on their menu. Users will also be able to be more specific with their filters for vegetarian dishes, spicy dishes, and many others.

2. Discovering Restaurant Specialties

Every restaurant has some quality that makes them special. Those who have visited the restaurant personally can pinpoint it more easily because they've experienced it for themselves. However, those viewing the restaurant from behind a screen can't do it as easily. Reviews and ratings only show part of the story.

The next of Google's updates aims to help users preview and evaluate restaurants to understand what makes them unique. One of the main visual changes is that they're adding a "People Say" highlight to the top of the screen. The search engine will use machine learning to analyze images and reviews to figure out what makes a local restaurant stand out from the rest.

3. Increasing Support for Digital Menus

Google really wants to give more support to local restaurants in this round of updates because the third major change will be updating how it supports digital menus. The search engine will expand its coverage, enhancing it with richer visuals and keeping it updated. It'll add more digital menus without any extra work from restaurant owners.

Its advanced algorithms will combine information from users and merchants and combine what it finds on restaurant websites. This update will allow Google to showcase the restaurant's most popular dishes and call out various dietary options, such as vegetarian and vegan.

4. Augmenting Google Maps' Live View

The "Live View" feature was added a couple of years ago, which allows users to navigate directions around the neighborhood through the viewfinder of a phone camera. With the upcoming changes, it'll soon be possible to search for things through Live View. For example, a user will soon be able to search for the nearest ATM while walking to their destination through Live View.

Live View will also spot different places like coffee shops, grocery stores, public transport transits, etc. A user will be able to see business hours, how busy the place currently is, and view more relevant details after tapping on it. This feature will first be available in London, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Paris, and Tokyo in the next few months.

5. Adding Aerial Views of Famous Landmarks

One of the first features that are immediately available to users is the aerial views of famous landmarks worldwide. They added over 250 photo-realistic images of these landmarks for users to view. Although they didn't go into the depth of what was added, they simply stated that the collection "[spans] everything from the Tokyo Tower to the Acropolis."

6. Upgrading to an Immersive View

Users have heard of "street view," and now Google is adding an "immersive view." Immersive view will allow users to take a peek inside buildings and other establishments. It'll also tell users how busy a place will be and what the weather will be at a given time and date, so they don't have to search for that separately. This feature will be available first in London, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Tokyo.

7. Viewing Neighborhoods as a Whole

Last and not least, Google announced a new feature that centers around neighborhoods. The search engine will highlight what's new in the area, some local gems, and what's worth exploring in the neighborhood. It'll include helpful photos and information from the Google Maps community, which will appear while browsing the neighborhood.

Although these features seem small, they will change how searches will work. There's no need to rework any current digital marketing strategies. However, businesses should consider how these might affect how users find them and make adjustments as necessary.

As a leading Houston SEO company, Actual SEO Media, Inc. emboldens its clients to expand their online presence further. By harnessing the power of search engine optimization, the company helps businesses expand their online visibility and establish a stronger presence on the Internet. This company helps local clients optimize their websites' long-term success in the local community. For more information, contact the office at (832) 834 - 0661 or by email at

Jamin Mootz
Actual SEO Media, Inc.
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