Introducing the 2022 Yoga Warrior – Vance Row

LEWES, DELAWARE, UNITED STATES, June 7, 2022 / -- The Yoga Warrior Competition is proud to announce the 2022 Yoga Warrior is Vance Row! As a first responder, yoga has made a difference in his life by providing a healthy way to shed stress and re-center. Yoga helped Row find his way out of a difficult time in his life, and he has continued to grow his practice ever since. Row is excited to share his story with other first responders and help them find a practice that builds the connection between body and mind.

Row's yoga journey has sparked a passion for bringing yoga to those in need, and the Yoga Warrior Team is excited to see what he will accomplish! On top of taking home the title of Yoga Warrior, Row will be taking home $10,000, sharing his yoga experience in the pages of Yoga Journal, and heading on a spiritually enriching yoga trip to Sedona. He plans to use his winnings to work with existing first responder organizations to include yoga in their wellness programs, complete his iRest Training Certification, and host a yoga retreat for first responders.

The 2022 Yoga Warrior Competition was sponsored by four incredible businesses that share a passion for uplifting the spirit through yoga and mindfulness practices. MantraBand( is a female-owned small business that creates custom jewelry with uplifting words and phrases. Yoga Democracy( designs high-quality, sustainable garments that support the people, the planet, and all aspects of the yoga lifestyle. YogiTunes( is a fair-trade music service that provides quality licensed soundtracks for yoga, meditation, and other healing arts. And CIVANA( is a destination wellness resort tucked among 20+ acres of the succulent-studded Sonoran Desert.

Now that the Competition has concluded, Yoga Warrior, LLC will donate a portion of the net proceeds from the Competition to the Veterans Yoga Project, a nonprofit organization helping veterans, service members, and first responders bridge the gap from post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth. Their mindfulness and yoga programs are a cause close to the Yoga Warrior Competition, and the organization looks forward to working with them more in the future.

If interested in learning more, visit the Yoga Warrior website.

Yoga Warrior Support
Yoga Warrior, LLC