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Revolutions Medical, Medifocus Presenting At FSX Conference

January 26, 2011 (FinancialWire) ( (Investrend Forums Syndicate) — Revolutions Medical Corp. (RMCP – OTCBB) and  Medifocus, Inc. (MDFZP – OTC) are slated to present at the upcoming Financial Services Exchange (“FSX”) event, scheduled for January 27-29, 2011, at the Ritz Carlton in Atlanta, Georgia.

FSX Conferences provide the opportunity for both public and private companies to meet and interact with a nationwide network of broker-dealer principals, investment bankers and other funders, in both formal and informal environments. For broker dealers, FSX events provide the opportunity to meet face to face with the CEO’s of 20 or more presenting companies. In addition, events include broker education and FINRA updates, as well as a designated resource room to facilitate the creation of new business and for networking with current customers.

Revolutions Medical operates in the safety-engineered medical devices (SEMDs) arena.

Medifocus develops cancer treatments that use focused microwaves to kill cancerous tumors.

Exchange Links: Revolutions Medical Corp. (RMCP – OTCBB) / Medifocus, Inc. (MDFZP – OTC)


Resource note: Previous presenting company profiles and additional information about FSX events is available via Investrend Syndications (at


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