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VitaminSpice Looking For Military Contracts

January 25, 2011 (FinancialWire) (The Small Cap News Leader — Vitamin Spice, LLC (VTMS – OTCBB) (Approx. Market Cap US$ 40.5 Mil.) has entered into an agreement with West & Associates, a minority-owned firm with experience in GSA contracts, Department of Defense and public sector sales.

"Significant Military and GSA contracts require the type of specific expertise and understanding that West & Associates can provide. VitaminSpice is a perfect fit for the DoD and will provide additional nutritional benefits for the men and women serving in various branches of the Military. The response has been very positive from the Navy in particular," commented Edward Bukstel, CEO of VitaminSpice.

The Department of Defense Combat Feeding and Research Program (CFREP), provides a research, technology and engineering base for combat feeding systems. The Military Nutrition Division at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) has been at the forefront of physical, physiological, and nutritional requirements research to address the needs of modern military personnel.

Vitamin Spice manufactures and markets gourmet spices. The company was formerly known as Qualsec, LLC, and changed its name to Vitamin Spice, LLC, in September 2009. The company was founded in 2008 and is based in Wayne, Pennsylvania

Exchange Links: Vitamin Spice, LLC (VTMS – OTCBB)


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