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Nutraceutical Companies: Omega Wins Gulf Claim

October 21, 2010 (FinancialWire) ( — Omega Protein Corp. (NYSE: OME), a producer of Omega-3 fish oil and specialty fish meal products, said that it has to date received a total of $18.7 million in payments, net of fees, from the Gulf Coast Claims Facility. The GCCF is administering funds paid by oil giant BP (NYSE: BP) in connection with reimbursements for claims caused by the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

The company said that the GCCF payments represent partial reimbursement for damages to Omega Protein caused by the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Omega added that it did not waive any claims or defenses against BP, the GCCF or any of the Deepwater Horizon defendants by accepting the payments.

The company said it expects to receive additional funds from the GCCF.

Texas-based Omega Protein makes fish oils containing Omega-3 fatty acids for human consumption, as well as specialty fish meals and fish oil used as ingredients in aquaculture, swine and other livestock feeds.

Omega Protein makes its products from menhaden, a fish that is not utilized as seafood, but which is abundantly available along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coasts.


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