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Food & Beverage: EQ Energy Seals Distribution Deal

October 21, 2010 (FinancialWire) (Go to for all of today’s featured news.) — EQ Labs, Inc. (OTC: EQLB), the maker of an energy drink mix, said that it has signed a distribution agreement with a distribution firm that will give EQ Labs access to 24,000 convenience stores.

According to EQ, the distribution company is one of the largest marketers of fresh and broad-line supply solutions to the convenience retail industry.

The distribution company currently distributes to some of the most recognizable companies in the world including ExxonMobile, Chevron, Shell, Kroger, 7-Eleven and others.

EQ said that the purpose of the agreement is to extend distribution and sales of EQ Energy Drink products into international territories and retail stores by leveraging the distribution network.

The EQ brand, EQ Labs' EQ Energy Drink has received the designation of recommended item within the company's quarterly catalogue.

Nevada-based EQ Labs is engaged in the development, marketing and sale of EQ, an effervescent tablet that can be dissolved in a beverage. EQ consists of a blend of vitamins, Gingko Biloba, and caffeine.


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