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IT Management Companies: Radcom To Pay Back Plenus Debt

September 8, 2010 (FinancialWire) (Go to for all of today’s featured news.) — Radcom Ltd. (NASDAQ: RDCM), a network service assurance provider, said that it has repaid the remainder of its outstanding debt to the Plenus Venture Lending Fund, seven months in advance of its April 15, 2011 scheduled maturity date. The original credit facility was for $2.5 million, according to Radcom.

Israel-based Radcom provides service assurance solutions for communications service providers and equipment vendors.

The firm specializes in solutions for networks, both wireless and wireline. Its solutions are used to prevent service provider revenue leakage and enable management of customer care.

Radcom’s products facilitate fault management, network service performance analysis, troubleshooting and pre-mediation with an OSS/BSS.


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