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Biotech Support: ThermoGenesis Sells Systems To Taiwanese Company

September 1, 2010 (FinancialWire) — ThermoGenesis Corp. (NASDAQ: KOOLD), a supplier of products and services that process and store adult stem cells, said it has sold two of its BioArchive Systems to Taiwan-based HealthBanks Biotech Co., Ltd.

According to ThermoGenesis, HealthBanks, which operates cord blood banks in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and the U.S., now has a total of 20 BioArchives and a storage capacity for cryopreserving and archiving cord blood stem cells of 60,000 units.

HealthBanks also utilizes ThermoGenesis' AXP AutoXpress Platform, an automated device used for the processing of cord blood.  

California-based ThermoGenesis is engaged in developing and manufacturing automated blood processing systems and disposable products that enable the manufacture, preservation and delivery of cell and tissue therapy products.

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