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Lower Cost NASDAQ Alternative Available To Atrium Network Community

April 14, 2010 (FinancialWire) — The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: NDAQ) and Atrium Network said NASDAQ Basic, NASDAQ OMX's lower cost alternative to NASDAQ Level 1, is now available to Atrium Network's fast growing community of European and North and South American customers.

Using a simple point of connectivity to Atrium Network's existing infrastructure, customers can benefit from real-time U.S. equities price discovery, offering quote and trade data for NASDAQ-traded equity securities, including NASDAQ, NYSE and NYSE AMEX-listed stocks. Atrium Network will be among the first to be able to provide this cost-effective data stream to its European customer base and across its global Extranet. In turn, NASDAQ OMX can increase its reach by tapping into Atrium Network's well-established European customer base.

Atrium Network currently has a presence in Europe, North America and South America. Atrium Network is headquartered in Luxembourg with offices in London, New York and Paris. For more information, please view Atrium Network's website at

The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. is the world's largest exchange company.

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