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Oragenics, Ricci Pharma Ink NGO Drug Distribution Deal

April 13, 2010 (FinancialWire) — Biotechnology firm Oragenics, Inc., (OTCBB: ORNI) and Ricci Pharma, a health products company with offices in Rome and Slovakia, have entered into a distribution agreement that the parties anticipate will provide Oragenics’ proprietary oral care probiotic products, EvoraPlus and EvoraKids, to Ricci.

Ricci will have exclusive distribution rights through Duc in Altum, a foundation whose humanitarian projects are inspired by the social teachings of the late Pope John Paul II. Duc in Altum’s honorary chairman is the Polish Pope’s former private secretary for over 30 years, Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, currently Archbishop of Krakow.

The foundation, whose projects are known by the Holy See and encouraged by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, is expected to further promote Oragenics’ products with the Church’s capillary network of health services as well as with international organizations such as the United Nations, UNESCO, UNICEF, World Health Organization  and the Food and Agriculture Organization  in Africa, Asia, South America and the Caribbean.

As part of its distribution agreement with Oragenics, Ricci is also expected to exclusively distribute EvoraPlus and EvoraKids to the Association of Physicians National Health Service in Slovakia and the Association of Italian Catholic Doctors across Italy.

Ricci will also serve as distributor of EvoraPlus and EvoraKids to independent pharmacies in Belarus, the Baltic States, Romania, Albania, Russia and Poland. The distribution agreement provides for Ricci to make periodic minimum purchases.

Florida-based Oragenics is a biopharmaceutical company engaged in developing proprietary technologies, some of which are being commercialized and sold in the over-the-counter consumer healthcare market.

Ricci Pharma is a pharmaceutical development and distribution firm that has relationships with worldwide health organizations. It has headquarters in Rome, Italy, and Bratislava, Slovakia, with distribution facilities in Rome and Bari, Italy.

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