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Rudolph Receives Japan Orders

April 13, 2010 (FinancialWire) — Rudolph Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: RTEC), a provider of process characterization equipment and software for wafer fabs and advanced packaging facilities, said it has received multiple orders for its Discover Enterprise fab-wide process analysis software. The company said that the orders have come from several major Japanese IC manufacturers.

According to Rudolph, its Discover Enterprise software is designed to help chip manufacturers improve yield and profitability in their manufacturing lines.

The software integrates and analyzes data from inspection, metrology and test systems in the fab to provide a report of fab-wide yield problems. Process engineers use this data to optimize manufacturing performance and quickly identify and correct the cause of yield excursions.

New Jersey-based Rudolph Technologies is engaged in the design, development, manufacture and support of defect inspection, process control metrology, and data analysis systems used by semiconductor device manufacturers worldwide.

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