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EcoBlu Ships Coating Equipment To Calvert

March 8, 2010 (FinancialWire) — EcoBlu Products, Inc., (OTCBB: ECOB) has shipped coating equipment and chemical to Calvert company, Inc. of Vancouver, WA. Calvert, an authorized affiliate of EcoBlu Products, will begin coating its EcoBlu 3000F 2.1E Glulam Beams with EcoBlu’s BLUWOOD™ and FRC™ (Fire Retardant Coating) technology for shipment to three of its distributors.

The proprietary coating line and equipment developed by EcoBlu for Calvert’s glulam beams has the ability to coat 60,000 board feet of lumber per day. Calvert company has orders coming in for the Protected Blu Beams that will get into Distribution very soon.

Calvert will treat the beams in its licensed factory application center with EcoBlu’s BLUWOOD™ and FRC™ coatings. Calvert will also begin coating dimensional lumber and panels for the Oregon and Washington markets.

Glulam production in the United States and Canada for 2009 was approximately 184 million board feet or about $1.1 billion dollars, as reported by the APA.

EcoBlu Products, Inc. is a manufacturer of proprietary wood products coated with an eco-friendly chemistry that protects against mold, fungus, rot-decay, wood ingesting insects, termites and fire with EcoBlu’s FRC™ technology (Fire Retardant Coating).

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