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General Automotive Joins With SenCer To Market Fuel Cell Tech

March 8, 2010 (FinancialWire) — General Automotive Company (OTCBB: GNAU), a North American provider of aftermarket parts and advanced technology for the automotive industry, announced a revised joint venture with SenCer Inc. to develop, commercialize and market SenCer’s groundbreaking UltraTemp™ ceramic composite materials for accelerating the development of energy-efficient, environmentally friendly fuel cell technologies.

The joint venture, now called Green Cell, Inc., will also advance the development of next-generation oxygen sensors and igniters

A Rochester, NY-based research firm known for its engineering expertise in advanced ceramic systems, SenCer Inc. has developed a series of next-generation ceramic fiber/ceramic matrix composite materials with a wide variety of applications, including fuel cell for powering automotive engines. The goal of the joint venture will be to develop a series of prototypes that will significantly advance the process of commercializing and, ultimately, mass producing fuel cells, oxygen sensors, igniters, as well as other products.

General Automotive Company (GAC) is focused on expanding its operating growth platform through multiple and ongoing acquisitions of successful niche manufacturing companies in the automotive industry.

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