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Homeless Shelter in Texas to Remain Open Despite Asbestos Concerns

A homeless shelter in Temple, Texas will be allowed to stay open, provided the buildings are brought up to code. Lawyers for the City of Temple and shelter Martha’s Kitchen met last Tuesday night in front of the Buildings and Standards Commission to debate the merits of keeping the shelter open.

After much negotiation and debate, the Commission voted to keep all five of the shelter’s buildings open. This is great news for the many homeless who rely on Martha’s Kitchen for shelter. Resident James Sebesta said, "I really, think that it’s really a good program, I’m glad to be here."

"Right now I’m in a bind, I need Martha’s Kitchen" Rick Iapage added.

In order to stay open, the shelter will have a brief window of less than five days to conduct an asbestos inspection, and take care of all "life-threatening problems". Within a 90-day window, the shelter is required to upgrade the bathrooms, floors, smoke alarms and electrical systems. Commission Chair Ron Kasberg explained "They’re basically just bringing it up to code, the same thing residents of any building in Temple has to be up to…The city is happy, I think Martha’s Kitchen is happy" Kasberg said.

Asbestos has long been suspected to be in the building, and once it has been found and the air quality tested, it will likely have to be removed. Asbestos exposure is linked to mesothelioma, a fatal form of cancer that has no known cure.

When asked if he was happy with the outcome, Sebesta told reporters, "I sure am (happy), and if not where would a lot of people go?"