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BioFit: Real Side Effects Risks or Legit Weight Loss Results (April 2021 Review)

The Biofit weight loss probiotic supplement by Nature's Formulas contains seven ingredients that are clinically researched to help heal the gut and restore health by way of improving immunity, soothing digestion and burning fat naturally; but is BioFit probiotic a scam with risky side effects or does it deliver legit results?

Chicago, IL, April 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

BioFit probiotic is a recently released weight loss supplement containing various probiotic strains that help its users lose weight by boosting their gut health. BioFit is manufactured by Natures' Formula and is reasonably priced with one bottle retailing at $70.

Each bottle, which can be purchased from the official website, contains thirty pills, which have been made using natural agents. It's mainly intended for use by obese people who may have a hard time losing weight naturally who need to optimize the gut biohm naturally.

In a nutshell, BioFit is a weight loss probiotic that helps users burn fat with only seven scientifically-studied ingredients with more than 5 billion CFUs per capsule to enable users to shed considerable amounts of fat while continuing to eat their favorite foods. Once you start following the BioFit probiotic supplement plan, you can go on to eat what you want and still lose multiple pounds weekly according to Nature's Formulas Chrissie Miller. The program professes to be very effective in reducing weight to the extent that some media companies prohibited it, but there are a lot of BioFit scam complaints to be mindful of before ordering that this review will cover below.

The supplement is deemed safe to use as its chemical composition is free from all types of stimulants, chemicals, and herbal extracts common in weight loss products.

BioFit: What Is It?

According to, the team behind this supplement's creation has focused on weight loss without necessitating consumers to make any changes to their diets. Many overweight people experience challenges when attempting to locate the right program.

When they find a weight loss program that can help them achieve their fitness goals, they fail to do so due to their digestive systems' complications. Often, problems in this system are caused by the accumulation of harmful bacteria.

To start losing weight, they need to cleanse their bodies and eliminate all the available toxins. The BioFit probiotic formula helps with this process. When the gut's health improves, stomach acidity begins to decline, which causes the digestive issues to reduce.

With time, it becomes possible for individuals to:

  • Boost their immune systems
  • Reduce their risks of getting a heart attack
  • Provide the body with the minerals and vitamins it needs to remain healthy

Striking the right balance of bacteria present in the gut helps regulate the release of serotonin and dopamine hormones. The two are closely linked to enhanced mood levels.

The information provided by the manufacturers states that the BioFit probiotic has more than 5.75 Billion organisms that are crucial in balancing gut health and improving body wellness.

However, how can increased immunity, weight loss, reduced bloating and better digestion improve your quality of life? In America, there are millions of people grappling with digestion problems and weight, definitely, their lives would be improved tremendously. Digestive problems are especially hard to manage using traditional medicine. Every day, people worldwide are informed by medical practitioners that there is no solution for their frequent digestion issues. These problems can be very dangerous, uncomfortable, and destructive.

It is not surprising that every year people opt for supplements as a possible way of improving their wellness and health. When dealing with an important and fragile thing like the digestive system, supplements offer hope to people who have lost hope. Probiotics are especially an integral part of this part of the supplement industry. Using probiotics can help you achieve better digestive health. These supplements have natural ingredients, and probiotics are definitely gaining popularity in the scientific world as effective equipment to assist in optimizing digestive efficiency and in the process, enhance general health and wellness. BioFit has a simple and straight forward website which is a breath of fresh air compared to the watered-down and mostly exaggerated sales pages for most of its competitors.

The BioFit website starts with an analysis of the major benefits of the weight loss product and goes ahead to mention its main ingredients. This supplement consists of healthy bacteria. The ideal quantity of good bacteria can help different parts of the body such as the digestive system and stomach, enjoy various benefits. Even though the scientific community is gradually realizing the importance of natural bacterial to our overall health, how probiotic supplements affect a body is still a mystery. You must always scrutinize any supplement you decide to ingest. This is particularly crucial in the new and growing industry of probiotic intestinal and stomach supplements.

Can BioFit really help you boost your immunity, maximize digestion, optimize weight loss and reduce bloating? Or is it a scam? Let's closely analyze BioFit and see how it works.

Why Are BioFit Weight Loss Probiotic Pills So Popular?

Biofit is a probiotic used as a weight loss program made using nature’s formula that has seven scientifically-researched ingredients available online only at

When Chrissie Miller is giving the official presentation, the BioFit probiotic supplementation asserts that you can gobble down your favorite foods such as pizza, ice cream, and brownies and at the same time lose a huge amount of weight because of the seven intestine healing probiotics capacity to work on digestive problems. Actually, the sales page asserts that you can lose weight even if you “stuff your face” due to this formula’s special power to naturally create an equilibrium of good bacteria in your intestines. BioFit’s official website is awash with affirmative testimonials and feedback from users who lost between 30 and 70 pounds by implementing the BioFit probiotic program. The audience is told that they can shed 3 pounds every week while following the program and eliminate digestive disturbances such as constipation, bloating, and excess gas.

The person presenting BioFit is called Chrissie Miller. She is a 43-year-old mother. She starts by stating with a disclaimer that she is neither a nutritionist nor a doctor; rather, she is an ordinary woman who has struggled with weight issues before. She added about 20 pounds of weight every time she became pregnant with her three children. She lost weight by implementing easy strategies.

Today, Chrissie wants to share these tactics with the world via BioFit and also tell them how the weight loss probiotic formula can assist them to get cured and offer relief for four key areas of health such as bloating relief, digestive efficiency, burning fat, and improved immunity. Undoubtedly, a majority of us would like to consume anything we want while reducing weight. Let us examine BioFit more closely at how it works and the way it helps you reduce a huge amount of weight.

How Does BioFit Probiotic Work?

Anyone who watches the BioFit presentation will listen and understand why Chrissie Miller and BioFit’s manufacturers insist that effective, proven weight loss solutions for ordinary people to follow are available in this special combination of seven coveted probiotic ingredients. It is true that weight-loss diets are difficult to follow. They entail strange recipes and exotic foods. Most people follow a popular weight loss diet for a short while then abandon it. Others torment themselves with low-fat diets and exercise, going without food to shed some weight, but they gain it all back in the next weeks and months.

After being around for 25 years, the BioFit staff and Chrissie use a different method to achieve entire-body wellness. All weight-loss programs including BioFit claim that they are the best in the market. The one thing separating BioFit from the rest is that you can eat any food you desire as you lose a substantial amount of weight.

As Chrissie explains, the very foods that have been ruining your diet will end up becoming a part of your weight loss program. She notes that it sounds crazy but it does work as advertised. In a nutshell, BioFit’s program is just a probiotic supplement. You need to take one supplement daily and then you will reduce weight without dieting at all.

Why Should People Consider Using BioFit Probiotic for Weight Loss?

Years ago, individuals didn't have an issue with the number of probiotics present in their bodies as they stuck to eating balanced diets. The consumption of processed foods has made it necessary for people to begin taking probiotics.

The probiotics, which are essentially micro-organisms, are needed to aid various systems in the body, e.g., the immune system and the digestive system. Lack of enough probiotics is the leading cause of an unhealthy digestive system which leads to obesity.

Obesity comes about when individuals opt to replace natural foods with processed ones and forget to live an active life. Failure to consume organic foods is among the reasons why it has become essential to take probiotics like BioFit.

Why Does One Need to Take a Weight Loss Supplement Like BioFit?

Before we can look at the ingredients used in this supplement's manufacture, there's a need to understand what probiotics are and their importance.

The term probiotic has become popular with those in the supplement community in the last few years and features different formulas intended to assist with weight loss issues.

Probiotic is a term used to refer to good bacteria present in the body, and it shouldn't be confused with antimicrobials or antibiotics, as these are the "bad guys." Routine consumption of probiotics has been linked to many health benefits that include:

  • Improved nutrient absorption
  • Decreased infection risk
  • Better immune functions

Probiotics are categorized into two: bifidobacteria and lactic acid. The latter reside in an acidic environment, while the former prefer an alkaline environment. Under lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus happens to be the most popular.

The probiotic organisms commonly found in dietary supplements and dairy products like yogurt include:

  • Streptococcus thermophiles
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus

Together with others not mentioned here, the bacteria have been seen to help prevent various ailments, including urogenital diseases, vaginal yeast infections, and diarrhea. Supplementing with probiotics can even affect your mood levels and daily behavior.

Long-term use can help eliminate or reduce the symptoms associated with gas and bloating conditions while also boosting the body's immune system functions. Put simply, probiotics are beneficial to the body and occur naturally in the digestive tract.

In recent years, scientists have managed to uncover the true benefits offered by probiotics supplementation. The BioFit team, led by Chrissie Miller, has worked for years to develop a special blend of these probiotics to help people lose weight.

Ingredients Used in Making BioFit Probiotics

According to the information made available on the official portal, this weight loss supplement is primarily manufactured using probiotics that occur in the body naturally. The said probiotics assists in:

  • Triggering fat burning in the body
  • Speeding up metabolism
  • Enhancing gut health

The following is a detailed look at all the ingredients used in making BioFit:

Bacillus Subtilis

It's a bacterium that occurs naturally in the human gut and the soil as well. The bacterium doesn't harm the body in any way and is believed to lower inflammation in the gut, leading to a slowed-down metabolism.

Bifidobacterium Longum

The bacterium assists in lowering the oxidative stress that may have accumulated in the body. Once this stress gets eliminated, the gut microbial begins to self-regulate, thereby inducing faster metabolism. In the long-run, a better metabolism assists in weight reduction.

Lactobacillus casei

It's a probiotic found inside the intestines and mouth of every human being. The probiotic is capable of breaking down complex food molecules into tiny bits with ease.

Moreover, its presence in the body is believed to help improve lactose intolerance, eliminate diarrhea, and improve bowel movements.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

The probiotic is quite popular and can be found inside the human gut. It's one of the main ingredients in the BioFit capsules, thanks to its ability to strengthen the immune system.

Frequent consumption of the probiotic helps to prevent pathogen-causing diseases from attacking the gut.

Lactobacillus Plantarum

Individuals often obtain this probiotic by consuming different foods such as sourdough and kimchi. Others prefer to get it in the form of supplements such as through taking BioFit weight loss capsules.

Once it's inside the body, it assists in preventing toxins from piling up. Remember that weight gain is commonly associated with the buildup of toxins in the gut leading to an imbalance of gut microbiota.

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

A certain study showed that this probiotic could assist in weight loss in obese people and enable them to remain slim going forward.

In the study cited above, there were a total of one hundred and twenty-five participants, all of whom were obese women.

The women who were placed on this probiotic were able to lose up to fifty percent more weight loss than those placed on placebos.

Bifidobacterium Breve

Bifidobacterium Breve is a bacterial strain that assists in strengthening the body's immunity. It also plays an active role in ensuring that the body gets to protect itself from harmful micro-organisms trying to enter the body.

Scientists have established that it offers other additional benefits like boosting the immune system to protect against yeast infections, enhancing skin health, and reducing fat reserves. Its inclusion in BioFit probiotic is meant to assist with the psychological aspects.

It ensures that those burdened with weight gain don't become anxious and fall into depression even as they continue to battle obesity.

We recommend taking a look at BioFit probiotic customer testimonials and other independent reviews to learn more about what BioFit can do for you as an overweight person.

BioFit for Weight Loss: How Does It Benefit Its Consumers?

While consumer results may vary due to various factors, frequent use of this supplement will load the body with helpful bacterial probiotics likely to bring about the following benefits:

Better Gut Immunity

Gut immunity is among the factors that dictate the overall health of your body. The immunity system is expected to increase with daily consumption of the BioFit capsules. An improved immune system means the body is better placed to protect itself from various ailments.

Reduced Inflammation

Depending on your lifestyle choices, inflammation within the body can routinely rise to dangerous and unwanted levels. Elevated inflammation levels are likely to give rise to various health issues, e.g., obesity.

Using Natures Formula BioFit probiotic supplement in the recommended way will assist in controlling the inflammation.

Controlled Blood Pressure

Continued use of the BioFit supplement can enable its users to control their blood pressure levels while ensuring that it doesn't surpass the normal levels.

Better Metabolism

As discussed elsewhere in this article, frequent probiotic use can lead to faster weight loss thanks to a boost in the digestive system.

Lower Blood Cholesterol

Studies have suggested that ingesting probiotics enables the body to boost its cholesterol profile. Probiotics target LDL cholesterol, ensuring it gets lowered while increasing the HDL cholesterol levels. The latter is commonly known as good cholesterol.

Reduced Stress Levels

Many people only account for the physical changes brought about by obesity while forgetting to account for its psychological impact. Obesity can severely impact mental health leading to the development of conditions like depression and anxiety.

Consuming scientifically proven probiotics, e.g., the probiotic weight loss supplement, helps ensure the body gets to overcome all stress-related issues.

In a nutshell, the benefits that come with using the BioFit probiotic weight loss supplement include:

  • Assists in reducing your body weight
  • Prevents gastritis-related issues
  • Restores your gut balance while boosting your metabolism
  • Improved energy levels as it gets to break down fats before they can get deposited in the body
  • Maintains healthy blood sugar levels at all times
  • It helps you continue living a normal life free of any unwanted side-effects
  • It saves you the expenses associated with following expensive nutrition plans or having to hire a trainer

Note: Results and the benefits enjoyed by the consumers are bound to vary from one person to the next. It's recommended to stick to the recommendations provided by the manufacturers.

Purchasing BioFit

The supplement can only be purchased from its official website, as mentioned earlier in the article. While the supplement's popularity has continued to soar, Nature's Formula hasn't made it possible for interested consumers to obtain it from third-party sellers.

The packages currently available on the website include the following:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + $9.95 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 + Free US Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $294 + Free US Shipping

Why Is BioFit Unique?

The promises it makes to its consumers are what make it unique. One such promise is getting to lose unwanted weight with little exercise and without having to resort to dieting. It's a promise that places it in a different class as all other supplements insist on the need to cut back on your food consumption.

While this claim may seem unreasonable to some, BioFit has tried to back it up with scientific evidence, which you can read for yourself at The capacity to provide evidence to back its claims is another reason why the product is unique.

It also serves as a confirmation that this is a product that has been put together by a team that has engaged in extensive research spanning several years. Other factors that make it unique include:

Consumers shouldn't worry about its production standards as it's manufactured in the United States.

The preparation of the BioFit probiotic supplement is done in line with the guidelines set by the GMP. This is a confirmation of the best practices and safety standards followed when manufacturing the supplement.

The supplement is non-GMO. This is proof that it doesn't contain any harmful or unhealthy ingredients that may prove detrimental to its users' health.

The features listed and discussed above are an indication that BioFit is a research-based weight loss supplement and that it has been manufactured using some of the best ingredients.

Who is Chrissie Miller?

Chrissie has three daughters whose names are Sophie, Chris, and Rebecca. After giving birth to her youngest daughter, Sophie, she weighed 182 pounds. She had a difficult time trying to lose it. She found her husband on Instagram looking at a skinny woman who was scantily dressed and decided to lose weight. Chrissie and her husband’s marriage was rocky; the couple had drifted apart. They spent less and less time together and were not intimate. The size of her waist was 42 inches. She tried different kinds of diets to shed weight such as cardio-based, no-carb, low carb, low calorie, vegetarian, and raw food weight loss programs. They helped her reduce the weight for a short period and then it all came back after a few months.

To summarize, Chrissie and her husband embarked on researching solutions for weight loss, such as grassroots research and alternative therapies. Chrissie learned about the solution for weight loss in a biohacking forum on the net. She began applying the strategies she obtained from this random forum and now she is happy to share this program (BioFit) with the world.

Who Shouldn't Use the Supplement?

While Chrissie Miller and Nature's Formula have listed it as a natural supplement, this doesn't mean that it's suitable for use by all individuals. Those who shouldn't use it include:

  • Any person below 18 years
  • Lactating moths
  • Expectant women
  • People taking part in hormonal therapy sessions
  • Individuals with known pre-existing medical conditions
  • Person's already under medication or currently taking a supplement to assist with an underlying medical issue
  • Those attending immunotherapy sessions

BioFit operates on the premise that you can eat your favorite high-calorie foods and any amount you want and at the same time lose 3 pounds every week or more simply by BioFit is based on a simple premise: you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want, and however much you want – all while losing 3 pounds per week or more just by modifying and balancing the proportion of bad and good bacteria that lives in the gut.

This sounds too good to be true. You can only lose weight if you have a caloric deficit. There is no way you can expect to reduce weight if you stop exercising and eat anything you want to eat. If you are consuming a whole cake each day, that means you need to burn sufficient calories to counteract the cake. Fail to do this and you will add weight. Chrissie explains why the opposite is true. She expounds that you can eat whatever you like so long as you add BioFit to your weight loss regime.

Chrissie says that she was able to eat all manner of foods and drinks such as brownies, donuts, chips, and milkshakes. She added that it is a new type of diet and one that does not feel like a diet at all.

These magical ingredients begin your body’s process of burning fats, boosting the number of calories that you burn. Although you are eating the foods that you want, the special ingredients assist you, enabling you to shed as much weight as possible.

Four months after beginning this unbelievable diet, Chrissie lost 98 pounds. Definitely, you should doubt when someone professes that it is easy to lose weight or that you can lose weight within a short time. Chrissie goes on to say that she did not have any desire of giving up the diet. She experienced no hunger and no energy loss.


Based on the manufacturer's information and the testimonials given by its users, BioFit appears to be a well-formulated and researched weight loss program. Individuals looking to lose weight will quickly fall in love with it, as it doesn't require them to give up on their favorite foods.

To make it more interesting, the manufacturer sells it at a discounted price via the official website. A money-back guarantee program is available for users who may not like it or who may fail to notice any results/change. BioFit is worth trying seeing that it is backed by a 180 days refund policy. This shows that the manufacturers have a lot of confidence in the supplement’s ability to deliver results. It contains amazing ingredients as you have seen above. If you have digestive issues, go ahead and buy these supplements. They might just be the miracle weight loss catalyst you have been waiting for.

Visit the Official BioFit Website to Buy the BioFit Probiotic Supplement Today

Official Website -

Contact Details: BioFit ProBiotic

TOLL FREE 1.800.266.0373


This product review is published by Marketing By Kevin. Marketing By Kevin reviews are researched and formulated by a group of experienced natural health advocates with years of dedication and determination to finding the highest quality health products and wellness programs available. It should be noted that any purchase derived from this resource is done at your own peril. It is recommended to consult with a qualified professional healthcare practitioner before making an order today if there are any additional questions or concerns. Any order finalized from this release’s links are subject to the entire terms and conditions of the official website’s offer. The researched information above does not take any direct or indirect responsibility for its accuracy.

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission to Marketing By Kevin if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products. 


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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