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8 Ways To Take The Stress Out Of College Studying

As a student, it feels as though stress is a constant companion in your everyday life. You may even feel as though it works to motivate you, getting you through all the classes and assignments that are required of you. However, if you can’t keep on top of it, too much stress can actually cause you harm. Many people turn to harmful study aids such as Adderral during times of excessive workloads, but these compounds can be harmful. In many cases these types of habits will end up increasing stress! Nootropics are a class of supplements safer than these types of compounds, but can still overburden your mind and cause stress to worsen. There are certain supplements such as Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) which have been know to help reduce stress levels, but sometimes the best approach is more behavioral. Before we dive into the ways to manage stress while studying, it’s important to better understand just how stress might be affecting you.

How stress can harm you

Stress can take a toll on you, both mentally and physically. It’s a feeling that can build up over time. If you don’t have good ways of releasing stress, then it can build up. Once too much has built up, you’ll start to feel the effects.

Mentally, stress can lead to mental illnesses and disorders such as depression and anxiety. Students are especially prone to this, as they’re always under some amount of pressure.

Physically, stress can have all kinds of effects on you. Those suffering with stress report that they live with insomnia, headaches, high blood pressure, weakened immune systems, and more.

Eight ways to reduce stress in study

  1. Try writing your thoughts down

Writing, whether it’s in a journal or online, is a great way to reduce stress. When you feel studying is getting to you, writing those thoughts down can help you release the pressure.

If you want to share with others, try joining a writing community such as Paper Fellows. They’ll help you through your exams.

  1. Change up your habits

Studying feels like a slog if you stick at it long enough. However, the old saying is true: ‘A change is as good as a rest’. If you’ve been sat in your room trying to make sense of your notes, change it up. Move out to the library, or to a park if it’s sunny out.

Doing this will help your mind get back to the task at hand, and help regain any lost motivation.

  1. Get enough rest

It’s almost a cliché, but you won’t be able to absorb any information if you’re tired. Ensure that you’re taking adequate breaks, and go to sleep at a reasonable time.

If you’re finding it hard to sleep, an ambient white noise machine, or a better mattress may even help. If you’re awake worrying about assignments, then using a service such as Boom Essays or Essayroo to give you a hand.

  1. Create posters

If you’re bored to death of flipping through books, then put your creativity to use. You can create posters of relevant topics. Doing this will make you distil a topic down to the most important points, and because you’re being creative you’ll regain interest. You can even put them on your wall when you’re done.

  1. Use better learning tools

If you’re studying, you need to be using the right tools. Make sure you’re using tools that are relevant to you and your subject. Here are a few you could try:

Word Counter: Check the word count of any piece of writing.

Citation Generator: Create the right citation for any source.

Essay Services: This writing service can help with your essay writing style.

Ready4: This app helps you study for exams while you’re on the move.

  1. Study in small bursts

If you’re spending all day in the library without breaks, it’s no wonder that you’ve hit burnout. As with anything, if you do too much of it for too long then you’re going to make yourself more stressed out. You’re also not going to even take in any information, making it pointless.

Instead, study in small bursts. Give yourself no longer than an hour to work on a topic. Then, go stretch your legs, or get lunch. Give yourself breaks.

  1. Handwrite your notes

In studies, it has been found that those who handwrite their notes actually take in more of their lectures and classes. This is because if you’re taking notes with a computer, you can easily keep up with what the teacher is saying, so you write down everything. If you’re hand writing your notes though, you have to listen carefully, and pick out the most important points to put down.

In doing this, you’re filtering the information you’re receiving and actually thinking about it. Try taking a notebook to classes, and see how much more you can absorb.

  1. Try practice tests

Practice tests sound like they’re nerve wracking, but actually they’re the best way to reduce stress. Find some online in your topic, and test yourself.

Doing this means you can identify the gaps in your knowledge. If you know where you need help, you can focus your study time on those gaps.

Final Considerations

Stress can be a major negative force on overall health. College is a time of great fun and excitement, but also of academic burden. It can be easy to find yourself slipping into a pattern of poor stress management when facing an overwhelming workload. Turning to powerful study aids are an attractive means to help offset workloads, but can often add more overall stress. Natural supplements and exercise are common broad-brush approaches in helping to manage stress, but not always effective. Carefully considering some of the ideas in this article may help give you an advantage in handling your own stress. Applying as many creative means to help make your life and goals more efficient will give you more time to enjoy the ride, rather than stressing out about it!

Mary Walton is a writer and online tutor at Academized. She helps students beat stress during first year in college and find new friends by counseling, as it appeared to be a big problem for some students.