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Breaking News SuperTrump Predicts....

Mr. Supertrump Tower

SuperTrump In Action

Mitchell Schultz

New Predictions by SuperTrump!

BOCA RATON, FL, UNITED STATES, March 23, 2017 / --

Did you know SuperTrump;s creator, Mitchell J Schultz, also known as "CRAZZY Mitch" and 'Mr SuperTrump' (visit ""), has accurately been predicting events involving Mr. Donald J Trump now our 45th President? He originally foresaw back in 2006, (as depicted in this cartoon below) as his associate Aron Laikin drew it with the then Donald J Trump staring in The New Hit Show "The apprentice" as you can see some of its known characters.

Released in October 2006

Look at the sign depicted "Trump For PREZ"(President). Schultz then foresaw an Animated Series as yet to come about.

Schultz was one of the first to accurately predict Trump wining both his Nomination and Election efforts explaining why he saw his wining the campaign when the majority of press was clearly behind Clinton and few foresaw a Trump victory. Schultz quote (Feb '16) "Many awakening on Nov 9th will be in awe and shocked to see Donald Trump victorious as our new President. The country was ripe for a change."

Now SuperTrump is coming out to give his support behind many of the current issues and a "SuperTrump" overview with a high probability of accuracy. This will add another solid voice in the benefit of unifying a divided nation as bad as it was when President Abraham Lincoln had General Lee's surrender over 150 years ago with half our nation sympathizers with the Confederacy.

New Predictions by SuperTrump!

• As previous all Cabinet selections will be Senate
• Approved even with Dem delays.
• Justice Neil Gorsuch approved today
• TRUMPCare will soon pass replacing ObamaCare
• The President will get his budget approved
• New tax reform will also pass by June
• Trump Administration strengthening the Military
• Improving Veterans benefits & care.
• No Russian collaboration ever produced
• The President will begin building The Wall as promised
• Although them Dems will never stop wining, no
• proof of Collaboration with the Russians will ever surface to change either the outcome of the election or the knowledge of a decisive Trump victory over Clinton.

And all this and more before Labor Day 2017.

BREAKING NEWS.....SuperTrump further says...

President Trump will succeed and rerun for his
2nd term in 2020 successfully with Mike Pence continuing in his Vice Presidential position
(Let's keep the winners).

Is SuperTrump right?

Watch for SuperTrump sightings with his two SuperChicks soon seen in places to gather more support behind the achievements of many of the promises Donald Trump made during his campaign of 2016. Per SuperTrump: "He is a man of his word. He is devouring the mainstream media with achievements to help "Make America Great Again."

Schultz further says "Damn their sarcasm and insults (the media) that are both unfitting and downright disrespectful. It's only produced to sell more ads as it spreads more untruths."

This is one of the primary reasons sparking why our SuperTrump character was created. To unite as many followers as possible that have something to give and support efforts to make a difference. To bring in more supporters and help our country unite. Lastly to support the administration and its efforts to improve the wellbeing of our people and the USA both here and throughout the world. If you support our President then watch for "The Adventures of SuperTrump"and SuperTrump sightings. Visit "" join our support movement to make a difference and get your
voice included.

Mitchell Schultz
email us here