MykoTroph News: Diabetes Type II Is a Disease of Affluence

Medicinal Mushrooms Have Proven to Be Effective in the Prevention and Therapy

LIMESHAIN, GERMANY, November 9, 2016 / -- In earlier times, diabetes type II was perceived as an old-age disease. Today, diabetes type II is viewed as a disease of affluence. By now, this metabolic disorder has developed into a widespread disease which does not only affect older people anymore. According to recent data of the International Diabetes Federation, a total of 382 million people between 20 and 79 years suffer from diabetes – with rising tendency. But there are good news: Natural remedies like medicinal mushrooms also called vitality mushrooms haven proven helpful in prevention, and as a support in the therapy, of diabetes type 2.

Alarming Figures

In the United States alone, nearly 30 million people or 9% of the population are affected by diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. The vast majority suffers from diabetes type 2 and metabolic syndrome. Responsible for the development of the disease are the small sins of our modern lifestyle including inactivity, unbalanced diet and obesity. Especially treacherous is that diabetes type 2 with metabolic syndrome develops slow, unobtrusive and often in combination with hypertension and increased values of triglycerides. If those parameters are overlooked, the disease is often discovered not until it is in an advanced stage.

Medicinal Mushrooms Are Helpers from Mother

Nature Natural remedies like medicinal mushrooms also called vitality mushrooms haven proven helpful in prevention and as a support in the therapy, of diabetes type 2. This could be shown by long-time observational studies in naturopathy, for example by MykoTroph - Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms. Medicinal mushroom Coprinus has regenerating effects on the pancreas; it also helps the sensitization of the receptors responsible for the absorption of insulin and claims to have a blood sugar lowering effect.
Medicinal mushroom Maitake has positive effects on the fat metabolism and the sensitivity of insulin receptors. Diabetes type 2 is often linked to circulation problems, vascular diseases and hypertension. Therefore, regular monitoring of the blood pressure, blood lipids, triglycerides and body weight is highly important. The intake of Maitake can help - even in a preliminary stage - to get a grip on these determining factors.

Doubled Forces: The Combination of Medicinal Mushrooms and Nopal

Within the scope of a holistic therapy of diabetes type 2 with metabolic syndrome, the combined intake of medicinal mushrooms and Nopal juice (prickly pear) can be very reasonable. Nopal juice has a lowering effect on the glycemic index of ingested food. The consequence is a slower release of carbohydrates in the intestines and is therefore favorable for a healthy level of blood sugar.

A Balanced Diet and Physical Activities

Both, in the prevention and the therapy of diabetes type 2, adjustments of unhealthy lifestyles are of huge significance. Regular activity and endurance sports, e. g. swimming, cycling or walking can reduce weight and the blood sugar level. Fundamental changes of nutrition are recommended by experts. Sweets and fast food should be banned from the menu, in favor of a diet which is rich in vitamins and vital substances. Perfectly suitable is food which contains a lot of dietary fibers and carbohydrates, for example mushrooms and vegetables. This can help to prevent a rapid increase of blood sugar. Medicinal mushrooms are a good supplement to a well-balanced low-carb diet and diverse physical activities.

Medicinal mushrooms are available as mushroom powder capsules. According to observational studies of MykoTroph - Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms, especially mushroom powder derived from the whole mushroom has proven effective. Only if the mushroom powder is derived from the whole mushroom, the powder will contain all of the effective ingredients of medicinal mushrooms. It should also be taken care that the mushrooms are from certified organic production. For further information, please visit us on

About MykoTroph

MykoTroph AG, Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms based in Limeshain was founded in 2003 by Franz Schmaus. The agricultural engineer concerned himself with the effects and use of medicinal mushrooms for more than 30 years and is one of the most renowned experts in this field. MykoTroph Institute aims to spread the knowledge of the mushrooms’ preventative and healing effects and make it accessible to a wide public.

Further information and studies can be found on the institute's website on Additionally, Franz Schmaus and his team, consisting of mycotherapists and naturopaths, are available for extensive advice from Monday to Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. CET via the hotline +49 6047-98 85 30. People who are interested can also arrange a personal consultation at the institute via that number. Telephone consultations are free of charge. Comprehensive information on fungal medicine can also be requested for free at MykoTroph Institute.

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MykoTroph AG - Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms
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