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Aqwastream™ Introduces M2M Technology at Sustainable Brands Conference, 6/3/14

Personal water bottle refill system offers brand messaging via micro-broadcast network at

SCOTTSDALE, AZ, USA, March 25, 2014 / -- Today, Aqwastream™,, announced that their new, machine-to machine (M2M) technology-based, personal water-bottle refill and digital media station will be available to attendees at the Sustainable Brands Conference in San Diego, June 2-5, 2014,

The Aqwastream™ Refill and Information Station (ARIS-32-1) allows anyone to get cool, fresh-tasting water for free while viewing interesting content about sustainability via a M2M micro-broadcast network.

The stations reduce the amount of disposable, plastic water bottles going into landfills and oceans. At the same time, they give schools, corporate sponsors, organizations, and more the ability to share and monitor their branding and social responsibility messages with a hard-to-reach, targeted audience.

The Sustainable Brands Conference is expecting over 2,000 professionals focused on dialog, solutions and tools to support their corporate sustainability initiatives. The ARIS-32-1 will be available to the public in the Conference Activation Hub, San Diego’s Paradise Point, June 3-5, 2014.

“With our remote monitoring system via M2M technology, we know that visitors at the Aqwastream™ station at ASU’s Sun Devil Fitness Center in Tempe, AZ have already saved over 23,800 plastic water bottles since December 2013,” states Mare Van Dyke, Aqwastream Co-Founder and CEO. “We can’t wait to introduce our unique, total system solution and targeted brand messaging capabilities to a broad community of environmentally and socially-committed leaders at The Sustainable Brands Conference.”

Aqwastream’s M2M Technology Promotes Sustainable Messaging and Saves Plastic Water Bottles

• Enjoy free water.

“Anyone can easily fill their own, personal-size bottle with filtered, cool water within 10 seconds for free at the highly visible, 90” tall, 32” wide, and 21” deep station,” states Warren Van Dyke, Aqwastream Station Designer and VP of Manufacturing. The station is ADA compliant, and includes state-of-the art filtration technology that filters water with virtually no waste.

• View interesting, sustainable messages.

Consumers and passersby view non-stop, engaging, green content on the 32” display. The messaging can be changed on the ARIS-32-1 screen instantly so specific information is shown at designated times to reach a specific, targeted audience.

• Access real-time data about a target market and more with a total systems solution.

“The ARIS-32-1 machines have sensors in them to monitor and record real-time data about station use and media views, operating efficiencies, messaging, and more so that they consistently operate at optimal efficiency,” states Stephen Owst, Aqwastream Founding Partner and CTO.

The stations transmit information via a cellular network to a software application located on a central server. The ARIS-32-1 automatically reports if the machine has been moved or tampered with and when it needs servicing so it runs around the clock without interruption. This remote systems management lessens the carbon footprint made by unnecessary, service calls. To further reduce energy waste, station monitors can be turned off when buildings are closed.

To learn more about Aqwastream, visit

About Aqwastream
We create strategic partnerships between socially conscious universities and like-minded corporate leaders via turnkey, patent-pending, Aqwastream™ Refill and Information Stations (ARIS 32-1). Users receive free, cool, filtered water. Businesses can add their corporate responsibility message to an existing channel of sustainability content, build brand awareness and improve student recruitment efforts. Everyone enjoys a sustainable solution for the ever-growing problem of plastic water bottle waste. Our network was engineered with machine-to-machine (M2M) technology. The remote monitoring system is our proprietary software that was developed to support a more sustainable maintenance program, network wide. For more information, visit

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Media Contact: Melanie Rembrandt, Rembrandt Communications®,, 800-PR1-0116

Melanie Rembrandt
Rembrandt Communications
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