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Poking Fun at Green Cleaner Claims

/ Are Green Cleaning Product claims real or are they just marketing spins with a better label? For those people with a healthy sense of skepticism and a good sense of humor, the funny 20 page book "How to kill your cleaning staff" is a must read and a great source of information on health and safety. Written by the founder of Save the Oceans Inc., Kevin Daum, the book is provided free without the need to opt in on the home page of the new Save the Oceans Inc. web site. Simply click on this link "How to kill your cleaning staff" and save the book to your desktop.

When asked why he would write a book making fun of green cleaners, when that's one of his product lines, Kevin's answer is simple yet scary. "There is no such thing as a green cleaner, it's greenwash or marketing nonsense. In the real world of science, all things have a level of toxicity and it's relative to the dose, the environment and species. For example, to us, vinegar is perfectly safe, yet if you pour it in a fish tank you will kill all the fish".

To make matters worse, because people think something is safe, they stop thinking and then they can be harmed. A case in point is parents with young children; they will listen to idiotic product claims about non-toxic or environmentally friendly cleaners who claim "look you can drink it". As a consequence, parents, thinking 'SAFE', put the stuff under the sink and a child gets his/her hand on it and drinks it. Suppose that child has a congenital heart problem and the shock kills him/her. Do you think the sales rep is going to show up at that funeral?

To solve this problem, every time I'm at trade show and see salespeople making these ridiculously dangerous product claims, I've made it my public duty to get them to have a large drink of their own green cleaners. Did I mention, it's really funny to watch what happens? They always take a little sip and then I say "hey, come on, you said you could drink it, take a real gulp". Most back down; however, the best case to this day is a fellow who didn't have the common sense to back down, started burping and blowing bubbles at his booth and then, about five minutes later, did the run to the bathroom. Because I knew what was in the product, I bought him a can of coke to neutralize the concoction. Later, at the same show, he asked me for a job when he found out who I was.

What I'm hoping to accomplish is to prompt people and journalists, after reading the concepts outlined in the book, to ask questions and spread the knowledge so we stop doing silly things like drinking cleaners and hopefully, approach cleaning products as informed and cautious consumers. Who knows, maybe this could even save a child or two from being harmed or worse. To get the book, simply click on this link "How to kill your cleaning staff" and save to your desktop.

Kevin Daum is the Founder of Save the Oceans Inc., which formulates and manufactures environmentally responsible industrial "green" cleaners for aircraft, garages, marine and home applications (his mom even washes her clothes in Oil Lift because she has severe environmental allergies). Save the Oceans Inc., also make the tools and equipment to capture and filter oil pollution from our environment. His goal is to save the oceans one drip at a time by educating people and providing them with high tech solutions that help them get better cleaning results, save money and by default, protect and restore our environment. He can be contacted for interviews by e-mailing