Start building a new revenue stream.
Participating in the EIN Presswire Affiliate Program is not only a simple way to generate new revenue, but it's also a great path towards recurring revenue.
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EIN Presswire’s Affiliate Program is the perfect match if you…
Create a new source of revenue by including affiliate links on your site blog, emails, and social media posts.
Yes, that’s me!Help your customers or members increase their online visibility.
Yes, that’s me!Engaging with your audience can be more profitable.
The EIN Presswire Affiliate Program is a revenue sharing program where you as the affiliate partner drives traffic to our web site in exchange for a 20% referral commission. When a visitor to your site clicks on the affiliate link to our site and completes an order you get a commission for every sale including renewals!
While it helps to have a website, one is not necessary to become our affiliate. If you do not have a website, you can promote your affiliate link via Internet forums, newsletters, and to your friends, family, and business associates.
Not everyone will be eligible to become an affiliate. We have to approve your account first. Sites that do not qualify for the affiliate program include sites which:
Nothing. There is no setup fee.
Simply sign up using our online form, fill in basic information, and confirm your email address.