Semiconductor Ip Market Projected To Witness Substantial Growth, 2024-2031 | Arm, Synopsys

Semiconductor Ip Market12

UNITED STATES, May 23, 2024 / -- Market Overview:

Semiconductor intellectual property (IP) are reusable design components for integrated circuits. They include logic IP such as processors, DSP, hard macros, embedded memories and analog/mixed signal IP blocks used in electronic devices. IP cores help reduce design cycle time and development cost.

Market Dynamics:

The growth of the semiconductor IP market is driven by increasing demand for semiconductors used in consumer electronics such as smartphones, laptops, smart televisions etc. and growing adoption of system on chip (SoC) technology. According to the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS), semiconductor demand is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.1% during the forecast period. Innovation in IoT, AI and 5G will further fuel semiconductor consumption. Additionally, transition towards energy efficient devices and electric vehicles will create opportunities for wide bandgap and power semiconductors respectively. Continuous reduction in transistor size through technology nodes such as 7nm and 5nm provides opportunity for higher integration and more functionalities on a single chip, driving demand for reusable IP blocks.

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Market Opportunity: Growth of Data Centers Presents Lucrative Vertical

The exponential growth in data volumes fueled by consumer apps, analytics, AI, autonomous systems and more is driving a boom in hyperscale data center construction across the world. As data centers evolve into highly distributed edge architectures supported by low-latency 5G, there will be extensive opportunities for semiconductor IP players. Emerging domains like TPU/NPU accelerators, disaggregated rack scale architecture, AI training/inference, computational storage and enhanced networking all depend profoundly on specialized IP. Data centers provide the opportunity for IP licensors to work closely with clients in these strategic verticals to jointly develop custom configurable IP optimized for unique data center workloads. As data continues to proliferate on an unprecedented scale, the demand for highly customized semiconductor IP for data center deployments worldwide is likely to remain robust over the long term.

Top Companies Covered In This Report:

Arm, Synopsys, Cadence, Imagination, Lattice Semiconductor, Ceva, Rambus, Mentor Graphics, Ememory, and Sonics.

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Market Driver: Increasing Demand for Smartphones Is Driving Growth in the Semiconductor IP Market

The growing demand for smartphones around the world is a major driver for the semiconductor IP market. As smartphones become more advanced with features such as larger screens, higher pixel cameras, facial recognition technology and more, they require increasingly powerful and efficient system on chips (SoCs). This has resulted in SoC designers seeking out the latest semiconductor IP cores from third party providers to help integrate more functionality into the limited space and power constraints of smartphones. Semiconductor IP cores for cellular connectivity, graphics processing, artificial intelligence/machine learning and audio/video encoding are in high demand from SoC vendors who supply to top smartphone OEMs. The continued innovation in smartphone technology and rising smartphone shipments globally is expected to sustain the demand for advanced semiconductor IP.

Market Driver: Growing Adoption of IoT Creating Need for Specialized IP

The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) is another key driver for the semiconductor IP market. As more everyday devices become interconnected and integrated with sensors, the need arises for specialized IP cores that can enable low-power wireless connectivity, data processing and security monitoring. IoT chip developers rely heavily on third party IP providers for functions like Bluetooth/WiFi, near-field communication (NFC), GPUs and modular subsystem solutions. The widespread applications of IoT across sectors like consumer electronics, industrial automation, automotive, healthcare and smart cities has opened up a vast market for customized and application-specific IP cores. It is projected that as IoT devices proliferate over the coming years supported by 5G networks, there will be immense opportunities for IP vendors to cater to the specialized requirements of diverse IoT ecosystems.

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The report answers a number of crucial questions, including:

Which companies dominate the global Semiconductor Ip market?
What current trends will influence the market over the next few years?
What are the market's opportunities, obstacles, and driving forces?
What predictions for the future can help with strategic decision-making?
What advantages does market research offer businesses?
Which particular market segments should industry players focus on in order to take advantage of the most recent technical advancements?
What is the anticipated growth rate for the Semiconductor Ip market economy globally?

Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights Pvt. Ltd.
+ +1 206-701-6702
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