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Feasibility Study Highlights Potential for Community Tourism Growth in Timor-Leste

To harness Timor-Leste’s growing tourism potential, a one-day feasibility study was recently undertaken in the sub-districts of Posto Liquidoe and Suco Faturilau, located within the Aileu municipality.

The study, spearheaded by the National Directorate of Tourism Community and Ecological under the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, aims to evaluate the current state of community tourism establishments by assessing the capacity of the infrastructure, utilities, accommodation, and human resources within these areas.

The findings from this study are anticipated to play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of community-based tourism in Timor-Leste, aligning with the objectives outlined in the National Tourism Policy.

By leveraging insights from the survey, the Ministry of Tourism and Environment is committed to fostering the development and promotion of community-based tourism as a cornerstone of the country’s tourism industry, aligning with the objectives outlined in the National Tourism Policy.

The report is expected to contribute to the forthcoming UN Tourism Report on Community-Based Tourism in Timor Leste, this initiative demonstrates Timor-Leste’s dedication to sustainable tourism practices through a bottom-up approach and collaborative global engagement.

Plans are underway to extend the feasibility study to additional municipalities and sub-districts, with sub-districts Laga and Letefoho in the Ermera Municipality scheduled for assessment in May 2024.

Acknowledging the importance of collaboration, technical assistance from UN Tourism is actively being pursued to secure additional resources for the Ministry, ensuring the continuity and completion of these vital studies. The methodology used in the study, including surveys, monitoring, and evaluation, reflects a holistic approach towards sustainable tourism development.


Photo Credit: National Directorate for Marketing, Timor Leste Ministry of Tourism and Environment