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Flora’s Garments Lets Your Wardrobe Travel in Style

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, November 30, 2015 / -- You’ve heard that clothes make the man (or woman). But what if the passport makes the clothes? Travel is the inspiration behind Flora Garments, a fashion retail e-commerce business launched in April of 2015. Three friends who like to travel ended up starting Flora Garments, which focuses on selling unique and culturally significant clothing and accessories from all around the world. Flora Garments concentrates on the importance of travel and the preservation of a country’s culture. That means that each garment is made by paying attention to the individual nation’s traditional fabrics and customs. This Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, with nearly three weeks remaining until the December 18 deadline, has already received nearly half of its $30,358 goal.

Fiore Masera and longtime friends Vicky and Riccardo share a passion for travel that’s so intense that it took them from Rome to London where they pursued their university studies. But when the university years ended, the travel continued. It was when they were in Jaipur, India, that the love of travel inspired a commercial enterprise for fashion. While they were in Jaipur, they were welcomed into the lives of the local residents and became immersed in their stories. They were intrigued by the level of quality of the fine, beautifully made handicrafts surrounding them. They learned about a gifted artisan who specialized in producing Pashminas in Kashmir. Following the stories as if they were a compass, the trio discovered how clothing and culture can travel. According to Masera, “A Flora garment is nothing more than thousands of threads of the world woven into one unique piece.”

Crowdfunding support will help Flora’s Garments, a company which started as a thought and has evolved into an ideal, help discerning consumers find clothing that satisfies their imagination and their ethics. Today’s mass-produced clothing industry is so heavily commercial that the originality of a wardrobe has been sacrificed. But the support of like-minded clothing buyers who relish the idea of globetrotting their way into their wardrobe will help Flora’s Garments create a platform that’s expansive enough to allow artisans from all over share their products with the world. The funds will go into new products, aiding the local artisans who want to ply their craft while honoring and maintaining their traditions.

Flora’s Garments, which is planning to extend its line into Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Ukraine, and Peru, is committed to providing clothing pays tribute to skill and national identity.

Had they not listened to the tales of their travels, they would never have found the clothing. There’s a lesson in that: listening to the stories lets clothing tell the tale of a country’s history and traditions. Flora’s Garments believes that what we wear is a window beyond our own boundaries. Just as travel broadens our horizons and opens our eyes to new ideas, the clothing of other countries can accomplish the same result. There are communities all across the continents where clothing isn’t just something on a hanger; a garment is a testimony to the artisan who created it. Imagine if your closet can reflect more than what a mall offers; with Flora’s Garment, your wardrobe becomes a sartorial itinerary. As Flora’s Garments asks, “Where will your style take you?”

About Flora
Flora’s Garments (, a fashion retail e-commerce company that was launched in April, 2015, was inspired by travel. The company’s founders, who have been friends for a long time, seek culturally unique clothing items that reflect the wonder of the countries where they were made. The company founders personally travel to different locations searching for the skilled artisans whose handcrafted products are chosen to become part of the Flora Garments line of clothing and accessories. Each garment they choose is made with the country’s traditional fabrics and customs to create a wardrobe that’s unique.

Fiore Masera
Flora’s Garments
email us here