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The New Government Plantation

The government's plan today is just another cruel and inhumane enslavement, robbing people of their dignity, and their ability to achieve the American Dream.

More than one-half the country's population is receiving some form of government handout, in an attempt to put Blacks and other minorities back on the plantation with the Uncle Sam as the overseer.
— Louisiana Senator Elbert Guillory
CHARLOTTE, NC, USA, October 7, 2015 / -- Following a bitter Civil War, America ended the abhorrent practice of slavery on Dec. 6, 1865, the day the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. Now, the African-American community, along with other minority groups, is being lead back to enslavement through government handouts to a life of dependency on the New Government Plantation, which is destroying their self-esteem, self-reliance, freedom, and the pursuit of the American Dream.

As you read the story of Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillory, it’s easy to imagine the toils of walking in his shoes as a child, teenager, and even as an adult. How is it one can rise from a family who arrived to this country in chains, yet still was able to achieve his dreams, and thus, the American Dream?

The truth is, and Senator Guillory will be the first to say, the American Dream can be a reality for all who come to the United States, regardless of their economic status, color of their skin, religion, or how much money is in their pocket. Even those like Senator Guillory, who came from a low income home, suffered the indignity of the Jim Crow Laws, worked from eight years old to help his family, yet never lost track of his vision and goals of becoming a successful leader. From such a humble beginning, Senator Guillory made his way from the backwoods of Louisiana to an Ivy League school and now to a political leader.

The truth can often be a bitter pill to swallow, and maybe even more so in today's political environment. The mainstream media, the protectorate of the liberal-progressive policies of the Democrat Party, their failure to report the inaction of the Justice Department in enforcing equal protection under the law, and providing cover for an Administration that is out to fundamentally change America from the greatest nation in history to "second-class status" using every available means including unconstitutional over-reach, has relinquished any claim to legitimacy as an unbiased source for reporting today's news.

They will seek to destroy Senator Guillory for his outspoken, yet truthful criticism, of the cynical plot to re-institute the abhorrent policy to "keep minority populations in their place" using taxpayer money to purchase the vote using government handouts and dependency as the weapons of choice. For 100 years following the Civil War, The Democrat Party used the intimidation of the Ku Klux Klan, enacted black codes to curb equal rights to former slaves which were won with the victory of over the South, and finally Jim Crow Laws, to enforce white supremacy over Black America.

The government's plan today, which already has more than one-half the country's population receiving some form of government handout, is just another cruel and inhumane enslavement, robbing people of their dignity, and their ability to achieve the American Dream. Senator Guillory's goal is to shout the truth from the political podium, and challenge any and all who wish to debate his words, for the truth fears no questions. This book is a must-read for all Americans. ISBN: 9781498445672

Ed Mattson and Elbert Guillory
Published by Xulon Press
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