Talent Rising: Film-TV Director Jing Wen's Impact Felt In China, the U.S. and Beyond

Chinese director is one to watch in the international filmmaking industry

LOS ANGELES, USA, September 17, 2015 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Jing Wen’s career as a director of film and television has been one down a road less traveled. So far, that’s made all the difference.

She directed award-winning Chinese television at the age of 19. She’s directed for the charity NGO organization Voices of Africa Mothers and for New York Couture Fashion Week. She’s interviewed Susan Sarandon and Jackie Chan, and screened one of her short films at the Cannes Short Film Corner in France. She lent her talents to a TV show in support of the 2010 Yushu earthquake that tragically resulted in nearly 2,700 confirmed casualties.

And she’s just getting started.

“It’s an honor and a blessing to have the opportunity to create art through filmmaking,” said Wen, who is from Chongqing, a city in southwest China. “I’m looking forward to directing more projects, entertaining audiences and doing my best to impact the world.”

Wen’s latest project, a comedy called “The Disappeared Fish,” wrapped shooting in July, in Beijing. The feature film is currently in post-production, then is headed for a festival run and theatrical release in China. It was produced by the renowned Bai Ge Zhuang Film & Media Company.

“I like to portray the human condition,” Wen said. “Observing and understanding the psychology of people is the key to being a good director. It reflects life and reality. That makes for good storytelling.”

Some of her early big breaks came in 2008. Wen became a 19-year old director for the Chong Qing TV Station, something that never happened before in the station’s history. She directed a Pepsi Star Outlook singer competition and an Avril Lavigne concert promo, among others.

Wen parlayed the experience into directing a premiere event for the hit TV show, “The Legend of the Condor Heroes.” The broadcast stands as the only program in Chong Qing Television Station history that’s gained a top 10 nationwide audience rating. The show received the 3rd prize of Entertainment Information Award from the Chinese Television Artists Association (CTAA), in 2009.

“We worked together in the TV series, "Legend of the Condor Heroes" national premiere that not only won the praise, but also a lot of influence in the audience,” said Yueheng Li, main program director for Chong Qing Television Station. “Jing was responsible for the premiere of the whole directing, planning, execution, screenwriting, leadership team and set up of small props.”

A year later, Wen directed the TV show – “Yu Le Pai” – that received the Top 10 National TV Programs award at the 6th annual National Television Producer Forum. For the show, Wen interviewed celebrities, politicians and writers such as Jackie Chan, Eason Chan and Leehom Wang. Wen also directed six shows including a nationwide talent show called “Blossoming Flowers” for China’s Hu Nan Economic TV Station. For “Blossoming Flowers” she created a new segment called “Escorts” that helped grow the show’s viewership.

Wen co-directed the 8th China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival that was broadcast by Hu Nan TV and sanctioned by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

While 2010 marked a productive year for the uprising director, it also brought with it the devastation of the Yushu earthquake, in April. Wanting to make a difference, Wen directed a TV show – "Never Give Up, Salute to Life” – that raised $150 million for Yushu victims to help rebuild homes.

“It was important to get involved to try to help in some way. It was great that the show was able to help fundraise disaster relief,” said Wen.

Her career transitioned to the U.S. in 2012 where she attended the New York Film Academy and directed a music video and seven films including the short film, “Ten,” that was an official selection at the Television and Broadcasting New Media Short Film Competition.

A special opportunity materialized for Wen in 2013 when she volunteered to direct a program for Voices of Africa Mothers, a charity NGO organization of the United Nations. The TV project featured Wen interviewing eight First Ladies from Africa and she directed a team that filmed a Gala Award event.

Wen directed a web show for the Jing LI US Company where she interviewed Susan Sarandon and Ada Liu, the Asian Department Director for Citi Bank.

Wen would also direct a promo video for the 2013 New York Couture Fashion Week, a project that saw her collaborate with the event’s creator, Andres Aquino.

Jennie Yeung, President and Founder of the United Nations Education Science Cultural Health Advancement Foundation, worked with Wen on both the Voices of Africa Mothers and the New York Couture Fashion Week projects.

“In both projects, although they were short and simple, we worked with some of the best designers from around the world, and also eight First Ladies from Africa,” said Yeung. “The team was well coordinated under the leadership of Jing. And we were very happy with their efficiency and responsibilities.”

Wen continued down the road to success in 2014 when she directed the short drama, “A, B, C or D?” The film starred David M. Edelstien (“My Little Princess,” “I Killed Last Night”) and won the Best Microfilm award at the Golden Pomegranate International Short Film Festival, hosted by the CTAA.

It also was an official selection at the Cannes Short Film Corner, the California Independent Film Festival, the NYC Independent Film Festival and the Television and Broadcasting New Media Short Film Competition.

Check out Jing's work:
The Legend of the Condor Heroes http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ0NDk0MDMy.html
Blossoming Flowers www.tudou.com/listplay/b73V85LhVKI/1P_hT5-su84.html
Never Give Up, Give our Greetings for Life

Press release courtesy of Online PR Media: http://bit.ly/1NG3LWb

Jeremy Curtis
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